What can be better then joining friends for a classic game of cornhole while enjoying good food, refreshing drinks, and receiving Underdog Sports League prizes? Here's how we twist the backyard game to provide you with the smile you've been looking for:
Co rec 4's Format - 2 Guys / 2 Women per team (teams can include attitional players who sub between games)
5 Week Season (the last week is the playoffs!)
Included Items (Bags/boards, Prizes and a Super Friendly Staff)
What's really great about Underdog Cornhole is that we're committed to the idea that it's ok to be just ok. Whether you have never played the game or you cornhole every weekend...you are welcome here. All that said, if you are looking to goof off once a week and meet a whole bunch of really awesome people who'll cheer you on and who you'll cheer on while one or more of you are dressed like it was halloween - you're in the right spot.
Two 30 minute games per night - (once 21 is achieved, start the next game...play as many as you want...for 30 minutes)
2 women/2 men tossing per team per game
4 players vs. 4 players (2 sets of boards, add the total wins from board 1 and board 2 for a combined score after 30 minutes)
No scoring cap. If you score over 21 on your last set...you still win.
Teams with more than 4 players may swap new tossers in as soon as either team reaches 21 points.
Teams may toss down a player (3 instead of 4) and one of the players will play both boards at once.
Can I have more than 4 people on my team? Or what if I am missing someone one week?
You can have up to 6 people on your roster, however only 4 people can play per game, and no substitutions are allowed during the game. You can substitute once one of the teams has reached 21 (before the next games starts). If you are down a player or two....bring a friend, grab someone from the bar, you are more then welcome to use substitues when needed, except for the playoffs (the last week of the season).
Skill Prizes Include: Championship Team, Team achievements and Individual Achievements
Spirit Prizes Include: Rad costumes, loud cheering, super-fly hi-5 routine and amassing the most "Spirit Tickets" in a season. Don't worry, we'll explain at the boards.
Anything else I need to know?
Theme Nights are for rocking amusing threads... (Big Hat night, 70's night, Nerd Night) so be sure to check the league schedule.