Underdog organizes its leagues around the four calendar seasons each year: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. With staggered start dates during each, seasons overlap by a number of weeks across leagues.
Registration for leagues open several weeks in advance of each season, as noted below. While Underdog registration is strictly first come, first serve (we do not hold spots for returning teams), teams that have played in a previous league can register one week "early" after logging into their Player's Page.
To be reminded of registration dates and receive other information, click here and enter your email in the bottom left corner.
To sign up for a league that is currently open, click here.
Summer I Fall | Winter | Spring
Start dates are subject to change, and leagues may be added or changed.
LEAGUES OPEN the 1st Tuesday in April to Returning Captains/Players/Indys and the 2nd Tuesday in April to Everyone
Jump to a sport: Softball I Kickball I Football I Volleyball
Northacres Sundays: early June
Queen Anne Sundays: early June
Greenlake Sundays: early June
Lower Woodlands Sundays: mid June
Greenlake Saturdays: early June
Dahl Mondays/Wednesdays: early June
Dahl Tuesdays/Thursdays: early June
Queen Anne Tuesdays/Thursdays: early June
Lower Woodlands Fridays: early June
Denny Park Tuesdays/Thursdays: late June
Denny Park Mondays/Wednesdays: late June
Eastlake Mondays/Wednesdays: early June
Fremont Tuesdays/Thursdays: early June
Ravenna Mondays/Wednesdays: late June
Ravenna Tuesdays/Thursdays: late June
Everett Thursdays: early July
Red Rubber Showdown (Tournament): end July
Loyal Heights Mondays Co-ed: mid June
Seattle Center Sundays Co-ed & Mens: late June
Alki Beach Mondays: late June
Alki Beach Wednesdays: late June
Golden Gardens Beach Mondays: late June
Golden Gardens Beach Tuesdays: late June
Golden Gardens Beach Thursdays: late June
LEAGUES OPEN the 2nd Tuesday in June to Returning Captains/Players/Indys and the 3rd Tuesday in June to Everyone
Jump to a sport: Softball I Kickball I Football I Volleyball I Bowling
Queen Anne Sundays: early August
Lower Woodlands Sundays: late August
Lower Woodlands Mondays: late July
Lower Woodlands Wednesdays: late July
Lower Woodlands Tuesdays/Thursdays: late July
Dahl Mondays/Wednesdays: early August
Lower Woodlands Mondays: early August
Lower Woodlands Tuesdays: early August
Lower Woodlands Wednesdays: early August
Lower Woodlands Thursdays: early August
Seattle Center Sundays Co-ed & Mens: mid September
Seattle Center Saturdays Co-ed & Mens: mid September
Seattle Center Mondays Co-ed & Mens: late November
Seattle Center Tuesdays Co-ed & Mens: late November
Ballard Tuesdays Co-ed: early September
Ballard Thursdays Co-ed & Mens: early September
Seattle Central Tuesdays: Early Fall in early September, Late Fall in late October
Seattle Central Thursdays: Early Fall in early September, Late Fall in late October
First Baptist Mondays: early October
First Baptist Tuesdays: early October
First Baptist Wednesdays: early October
First Baptist Thursdays: early October
Garage Sundays: mid September
Garage Mondays: mid September
LEAGUES OPEN the 1st Tuesday in November to Returning Captains/Players/Indys and the 2nd Tuesday in November to Everyone
Jump to a sport: Kickball I Football I Volleyball I Bowling I Softball
Capitol Hill Saturdays: early January
Seattle Center Sundays Co-ed & Mens: early January
Seattle Center Saturdays Co-ed & Mens: early January
Seattle Center Tuesdays Co-ed & Mens: late January
Nathan Hale Wednesdays Co-ed & Mens: late January
Seattle Central Tuesdays: early January
Seattle Central Thursdays: early January
First Baptist Mondays: mid January
First Baptist Tuesdays: mid January
First Baptist Wednesdays: early January
First Baptist Thursdays: late January
Imperial Tuesdays: mid January
Imperial Wednedays: mid January
Tech City Wednesdays: early February
Garage Mondays: mid February
Garage Sundays: mid February
Capitol Hill Sundays: early February
LEAGUES OPEN the 1st Tuesday in February to Returning Captains/Players/Indys and the 2nd Tuesday in February to Everyone
Jump to a sport: Softball I Kickball I Football I Volleyball I Bowling
Northacres Sundays: mid March
Queen Anne Sundays: mid March
Greenlake Sundays: mid March
Bobby Morris Saturdays: early April
Bobby Morris Mondays/Wednesdays: Early & Late Spring: mid March
Bobby Morris Tuesdays/Thursdays: Early & Late Spring: mid March
Denny Mondays/Wednesdays: late April
Denny Tuesdays/Thursdays: late April
Queen Anne Tuesdays/Thursdays: early April
Lower Woodlands Mondays: early April
Lower Woodlands Tuesdays: early April
Lower Woodlands Wednesdays: early April
Lower Woodlands Thursdays: early April
Everett Thursdays: early May
Seattle Center Saturdays Co-ed & Mens: late March
Seattle Center Sundays Co-ed & Mens: late March
Seattle Center Thursdays Co-ed & Mens: mid April
Seattle Central Tuesdays: mid-March
Seattle Central Thursdays: mid-March
First Baptist Wednesdays: late March
First Baptist Thursdays: late March
Alki Beach Mondays: early May
Alki Beach Wednesdays: early May
Golden Gardens Beach Mondays: early May
Golden Gardens Beach Tuesdays: early May
Golden Gardens Beach Thursdays: early May
Imperial Mondays: late March
Imperial Tuesdays: late March
Imperial Wednedays: late March
To complete the process, remove the app from your Facebook settings.
Feel free to try again, and be sure to grant the requested privileges.
Feel free to try again, and be sure to grant the requested privileges.
Feel free to try again or contact us for assitance.
Name | Username | Last Login |
These are the accounts with the same email address as your Facebook account ().
If you'd like to use a different account, log into that account using your email (or username) and password, then connect your Facebook account from your Player Page.
*NOTE: In order to keep your site and player info safe, Admin and Staff accounts cannot be linked to Facebook.