Foot Fault plays in a Bocce Ball league

Foot Fault

Late Summer Bocce Ball in Greenlake Thursdays
7 3 1


First Place

Late Summer Bocce Ball in Greenlake Thursdays

Once upon a time they started as a indi team. Then today foot fault and Mission Imbocce ball (another indi team) faced it off in what was a very intense match for champs. All three of the games played by foot fault had them win the first round, the openers win the second, and foot fall take it in a sudden death final round.
They also showed the most spirit today by taking on a player who had their entire team unable to make it today. They then showed her just what it takes to win, teamwork, skills, and lots of fun!

Splice balls also won the spirit award this season by a landslide. We have to give the credit to the fact that they came in matching glow in the dark team shirts almost everyday!

Thursday, August 11

Anna Schwisow took it all

Foot Fault has a secret wepon

Anna S... for her it is do or die. Kill or be killed. She approached the games with fire in her eyes.
Poaching ball after ball she was the power house that got her team win after win.
It is only week two and we already know who you need to watch out for. Watch out, Anna S might come up and take your points!



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