Softball games at Bobby Morris and kickball games at Lower Woodlands have been canceled for today, 3/26. All other games are ON.
Trabajadores Del Borde -Indy #1 plays in a Mini Golf league

Trabajadores Del Borde -Indy #1

Drinks on the Links #1 - Thursdays - SPR[07] Drinks on the Links #1 - Thursdays
Total Score

Team Schedule

We are currently working on the schedule.
Please check back later.


Second Place

Drinks on the Links #1 - Thursdays

Thursday, May 3

POTW: The Whole Damn Team

Indy #1

It's money ball, dangit! In our most collaborative format, our most team work oriented game, and Indy team reigned supreme! Take note, pre-formed teams! Indy #1- newly christened "Trabajadores Del Borde"- IS money. We might even say they're so money they don't even know it.



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Oops, Wrong Hole- Indy #1
Oops, Wrong Hole- Indy #1
Drinks on the Links #1 - Thursdays

3 Players in Common

Mini Golf
Oops, wrong hole - Indy #2
Oops, wrong hole - Indy #2
Drinks on the Links #5 - Wednesdays

3 Players in Common

Mini Golf