Winter Gentlemen's Flag Football at Juanita HS Tuesdays


Tuesday, March 8

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Blake Barroso Barrows the Ball
Blake Barroso Barrows the Ball
Feed the Hawks
Whoever said defence wins games one day knew this game would happen. Champions are made with big plays and that's what Blake did. Blake picked off a Freeballer Ball and took it back for 6. In a 9 point game that all but seals the deal. Great hands Blake!!
Blake Barroso Barrows the Ball
Blake Barroso Barrows the Ball
Feed the Hawks
Whoever said defence wins games one day knew this game would happen. Champions are made with big plays and that's what Blake did. Blake picked off a Freeballer Ball and took it back for 6. In a 9 point game that all but seals the deal. Great hands Blake!!
Field 2
Field 3
6:45 PM
  Freeballers [40]
  Winslows Soldiers [31]
POTG: Jonathan P
  THE TRIBE [18]
  Feed the Hawks [27]
POTG: Brian M
7:45 PM
  Freeballers [24]
  Feed the Hawks [33]
POTG: Blake B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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