Softball Schedule

Summer Co-ed Softball at Greenlake Saturdays


Saturday, June 12

magnolia mariners forfeited to Grass fed.
POTW: Jason Miller
POTW: Jason Miller
Smile Farm
This weeks player of the week goes to the one inning performance of Jason Miller and his two home-run inning. With the winter finally passing, Jason showed no signs of rust coming into the new season with 2 big blasts to help his team get a win on the first day! Great job Jason!
Field 1
Field 2
12:00 PM
POTG: Sarah S
POTG: Stephanie Fleisher
1:30 PM
  Foul Balls [9]
  Smile Farm [20]
POTG: Jason R Miller M
POTG: team honors!
3:00 PM
POTG: Nate M
6:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, June 19

Prestige Worldwide forfeited to the JOKERS.
Double Headers
Long Shots, Lords of DAWG Town, Project Mayhem, Team Awkward
Grass fed, Hit it and Forget About it!
POTW: Matt Kreamer
POTW: Matt Kreamer
Long Shots
Solstice...really? Almost the first day of summer..seriously? Someone forgot to tell the weatherman! On a less than recordbreaking weather day the lack of sun didn't keep the Long Shots & Foul Balls from putting on a show in the 1:30pm game! It also didn't keep our Player of The Week from having a great game...and skipping work to do it! Shhh, don't tell his boss! With his team, Long Shots, putting up a 9 spot in the first inning and never looking back Matt Kreamer did his part to make sure that lead never dwindled. In fact Matt's web-gems quality defense made sure that Foul Balls didn't see their first run until the 5th inning! In a 16-3 romp it was Matt's defense which squelched any chance of a rally. Congrats again to Matt Kreamer, our Player of the Week who made every minute off-the-clock count where it matters most...on the field!
Field 1
Field 2
12:00 PM
POTG: Kelly L
POTG: Aidan Malody
1:30 PM
POTG: Christine M
  Foul Balls [3]
  Long Shots [16]
POTG: Matt K
3:00 PM
POTG: Marinda W
4:30 PM
POTG: Rusty Johnson
6:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, June 26

Team Awkward forfeited to Foul Balls.
Double Headers
Grass fed, Project Mayhem, Smile Farm, This should be entertaining!, the JOKERS
Hit it and Forget About it!
POTW: Aiden Malody
POTW: Aiden Malody
This should be entertaining!
This weeks player of the week goes to Aiden Malody for his play in the field. Sports Center shows a top 10 plays of the day for plays all over the country and the amazing catches in them, most are from players who make the highlight real once in a lifetime. Aiden Malody made his own highlight real with catches in the outfield that had opponents applauding his catches. He had enough great catches that made jaws drop for a whole episode of top 10 plays of the day all by himself. Great catches Aiden!!
Field 1
Field 2
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
POTG: Arielle V-nasty!!
  the JOKERS [3]
  Long Shots [21]
POTG: Amanda E
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
POTG: Christine M
  Grass fed [0]
  Smile Farm [6]
POTG: judy S
6:00 PM
POTG: James Strehme

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, July 10

Double Headers
Grass fed
Hit it and Forget About it!, Project Mayhem, Smile Farm, This should be entertaining!
POTW: Eddie Adams
POTW: Eddie Adams
Lords of DAWG Town
Coming into the game in the 3rd inning in relief of normally outstanding starter Brook, Eddie fired strikes and kept his team in the game. Eventually the LODT came back to take the lead in the 5th inning. Adams was hot with the bat as well slugging a ball over the short porch in left field.
Field 2
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
  Grass fed [4]
  Long Shots [10]
POTG: Amanda E
3:00 PM
  Grass fed [12]
  the JOKERS [0]
POTG: heather c
4:30 PM
POTG: Eddie Adams
6:00 PM
POTG: James B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, July 17

Double Headers
Project Mayhem, Smile Farm, This should be entertaining!, Where my pitches at? - Indy #1
Hit it and Forget About it!
POTW: Cory Lizarraga
POTW: Cory Lizarraga
Project Mayhem
This weeks player of the week goes to Cory for his performance at the plate. Cory accounted for most of his teams runs with balls hit all over the place. With his team scoring 20, they cruised to a victory, and chalked up another "W". He also chipped in on defense rolling 2 successful double plays squashing any rallies against them! Great job Cory!
Field 1
Field 2
12:00 PM
POTG: Charles W
1:30 PM
3:00 PM
POTG: Sydney M
4:30 PM
POTG: Cory L

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, July 24

Grass fed forfeited to Bottoms Up Remix.
Double Headers
Prestige Worldwide , Where my pitches at? - Indy #1
Hit it and Forget About it!
POTW: Amanda Bley
POTW: Amanda Bley
Smile Farm
This weeks player of the week goes to Amanda Bley and her great plays on defense. Amanda is obviously no stranger to the diamond, as anyone could learn how to play correctly just watching her. She made plat after play at second recording out after out. She also knocked in plenty of her teams runs with hard shots into the outfield. Great job Amanda!
Field 1
Field 2
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
POTG: Mike W
3:00 PM
POTG: Sarah S
4:30 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, July 31

Grass fed forfeited to the JOKERS.
Playoffs Begin 7/31
Playoff Seeds

[1] Project Mayhem
[2] Smile Farm
[3] This should be entertaining!
[4] Long Shots


[1] Where my pitches at? - Indy #1
[2] the JOKERS
[3] Lords of DAWG Town
[4] Team Awkward
[5] Foul Balls
[6] Bottoms Up Remix
[7] Grass fed
[8] Prestige Worldwide
POTW: James Adams
POTW: James Adams
Where my pitches at? - Indy #1
This weeks player of the week goes to James Adams for his excellence at the plate with all the play-off pressure. James was red-hot with the bat knocking in the bulk of his teams runs, and a key factor in winning the championship. Great job James, see ya next season!
Field 1
Field 2
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
POTG: James B
3:00 PM
POTG: Lori C
4:30 PM
POTG: Sydney M
6:00 PM
POTG: Team Honors

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)