Bowling Schedule

Late Fall Big Turkey Bowling at Imperial Tuesdays 7pm


Tuesday, November 2

POTW: Yince and Gary
POTW: Yince and Gary
Team Edward
Team Edward brought enthusiasm (and a Mascot) to Tuesday night's match up against the Angry Pirates. Leading team scorers Yince and Gary scored big in game one, for a narrow victory over their oponents by only 2 pins! Team Edward stepped up their game again in game 2, for another victory and a clean sweep over the Angry Pirates. Team Edward will be one to watch...way to go guys!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 9 and 10
Lanes 11 and 12
Lanes 13 and 14
Lanes 15 and 16
Lanes 17 and 18
Lanes 19 and 20

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, November 9

POTW: Courtney Komai
POTW: Courtney Komai
There's no I in Bowling
The stage was set, the gauntlet thrown and Deep Cheese was afro'd out and ready for a good old fashioned dance off! Who responded but none other than There's no I in Bowling, spearheaded by Courtney. 3 members of the elite dance team faced off throwing out their best moves, cheered on by every member of what will now be known as "Dancing with the bowlers" on Tuesday nights at Imperial. We had Jim on music and it brought out some shopping carts and disco infernos that John Travolta himself would be proud of!
In the end, There is no I in bowling took the trophy/spirit prize with Courtney as the dancing queen being twirled effortlessly around the alley!
Well done dancers! No one was voted off, all are winners!

Shout out to Sara from Here for the Beer, a team that is really here for the Beer and as their captain stated, "we never hit the cap" well, yes they can and yes they did! Well done Sara!!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 9 and 10
Lanes 11 and 12
Lanes 13 and 14
Lanes 15 and 16
Lanes 17 and 18
Lanes 19 and 20

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, November 16

POTW: Erin Pettersen
POTW: Erin Pettersen
Deep Cheese
Erin (with the help of her teammate Carlos) designed some totally rad retro shirts for the team. After much debate over the perfect print job, Erin even scored a second set of shirts for free. She put in extra effort to make sure that they were perfect, and they plan to wear them for all future games. Way to go Erin!!!

The team outfitted themselves in all sorts of denim (some from their closets, some from Value Village)I mean we're talking acid washed vests, teeny tiny booty jorts, and even denim sleeves with no jacket!! Not only did they have a GREAT time, they were very spirited the entire night!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 9 and 10
Lanes 11 and 12
Lanes 13 and 14
Lanes 15 and 16
Lanes 17 and 18
Lanes 19 and 20

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, November 30

Theme Night - Lebowski Night
POTW: Mike Lightner
POTW: Mike Lightner
What What In the Butt
Fingers were pointing, opponents were cheering and all were in awe of the costume that takes the cake! I am going to need to borrow this one next time for Halloween! I am not even sure what his bowling skills looked like, but it is totally a moot point when he is wearing duds like that!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 9 and 10
Lanes 11 and 12
Lanes 13 and 14
Lanes 15 and 16
Lanes 17 and 18
Lanes 19 and 20

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, December 7

Oh Balls! - Indy #1 forfeited to Team Sven.
POTW: Chris Bracken
POTW: Chris Bracken
Double Secret Probation
Shout out to Kim, Adrienne, Chris, Jayson, Pam and Mike for their amazing spirit and the marathon bowling night they had! Thanks for helping a sister out, and the extra practice can't hurt... well, maybe a little sore today from all those extra strikes you guys rolled! Your spirit and energy kept the lanes alive and two teams afloat. Sending you guys spirit points and good karma!!

Shout out to the Pinheads, they were nominated "most fun ever" by the birthday boy Yince and Co. on Team Edward. Was it their energy or their bowling skillz or maybe the super cool shirts... we will never know.. whatever it is keep it up!!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 11 and 12
Lanes 13 and 14
Lanes 15 and 16
Lanes 17 and 18
Lanes 19 and 20

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, December 14

Theme Night - Choose Your Own Theme Night
Mine's in the Gutter forfeited to Oh Balls! - Indy #1.
Playoff Date 12/14
4 Teams Advance, All Teams Bowl!!!
Playoff Seeds:

[1] Sunset Forever
[2] Team Awesome!!!!!
[3] Team Edward
[4] Deep Cheese
POTW: Courtney Komai
POTW: Courtney Komai
There's no I in Bowling
There was once a dance off, there was also a rock band, this team freaking rocked it all season and Courtney was there to lead the charge! They had more creativity and spirit than I had seen in a long time - tonight they walked around in a fog of hairspray and I was even allowed to be their groupie for the band!
Can't wait to see what you bring next season!!
  7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8
Lanes 9 and 10
Lanes 11 and 12
Lanes 13 and 14
Lanes 15 and 16
Lanes 17 and 18

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)