Early Spring Co-ed Softball on Capitol Hill Tuesday/Thursday

Team Profiles


Thursday, April 28

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Designated Drinkers Capture First League Title
Designated Drinkers Capture First League Title
Knocks Off No. 1 Seed
The Designated Drinkers in their inaugural season have captured their first league title. This team, very un-assuming and very low key, they had the firepower to knock off powerhouse Seawalks. From the beginning this team withstood everything the no.1 seed could throw at them and they handled it gracefully while mounting an assault of their own. They helped themselves out by playing lock down defense and being able to score in every inning. In the end their bats were just too much for the no.1 seed. Great game DD and congratulations on your first ever league title.
Upper Deckers Capture First League Title
Upper Deckers Capture First League Title
Team Effort Finally Pays Off
This team has been at it for about 6 seasons now and have now captured the elusive USL league crown. Lead by one of the tightest defenses and one of the best pitchers USL has ever seen, this team would not be denied. The final score of 3 to 1 indicates how much of a defensive and pitching battle this game turned out to be. Being able to score 3 runs in the bottom half of the sixth inning assured their first title as the defense went into total black out mode. Hotline Swing could get nothing going in the top half of the 7th inning and before you know it a new champion was crowned. Congratulations to the entire team for finally capturing your first league title.
Field 2
6:30 PM
  Hotline Swing [1]
  Upper Deckers [3]
POTG: Entire team nominated for capturing their first league title
8:00 PM
  Random Collision [5]
  Seawalks [12]
POTG: Cade C
9:30 PM
  Designated Drinkers [14]
  Seawalks [10]
POTG: William and Lindsey Chandler have both been nominated for their outstanding performances

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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