Kickball Schedule

Spring Eastside Kickball in Redmond Mondays


Monday, May 2

Double Headers
FHO arKICKtects
Emily Stein Sticks the Landing
Emily Stein Sticks the Landing
FHO's are ArKICKtects and ArCATCHtecs
In here first game of kickball in who knows how long, Emily was a bit nervous about playing. During her first game she felt out the strategy, the bases, and the ball so that by the second game was on ready and willing! She took second base with confidence and when a line drive looked to be an impossible catch, Emily came down with the ball. Time stopped as we all looked on in disbelief of what happened, but Emily was unfazed and threw the ball back in to the catcher. Everyone hooted an hollered at the spectacle before them! Great catch Emily!!
Field 1
7:45 PM
  FHO arKICKtects [0]
  Kickin It! [14]
8:45 PM
POTG: Emily S
9:45 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, May 9

Double Headers
Indigo Windigo
Flavio Bainotti Makes it Home
Flavio Bainotti Makes it Home
Flavio aint Just Kickin it!
When a team gets on a roll it really helps the flow! Flavio was the man to do that this Monday! With an early home run kicking in some of his players the momentum started to roll. Flavio built up some good steam his team could get behind and claim victory! Great Kickin it Flavio!
Field 1
7:45 PM
POTG: Kurtis S
8:45 PM
  Indigo Windigo [7]
  Kickin It! [19]
POTG: Flavio B
9:45 PM
POTG: Alex T

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, May 16

Double Headers
Pitch Slap - Indy #K10
Nicholas  Eden the Home Run King
Nicholas Eden the Home Run King
Indigo Windigo's all Come Home
Nicholas had and outstanding game today. He wouldn't let a pitch go by without him sending it far into the outfield. With nearly 6 at bats he sent 3 of those far enough out that he made it all the way around the bases. Along with those Home run hits he pulled out a triple in the process. What a leg tonight Nicholas, keep up the great kicks!
Field 1
7:45 PM
POTG: Nicholas E
8:45 PM
POTG: Nick C
9:45 PM
POTG: Dustin T

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, May 23

Double Headers
Pitch Please - Indy #K11
Field 1
7:45 PM
8:45 PM
POTG: Stacia B
9:45 PM
POTG: Kyle B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, June 6

Double Headers
Kickin It!
Field 1
7:45 PM
8:45 PM
  FHO arKICKtects [2]
  Kickin It! [21]
POTG: Hannah S
9:45 PM
POTG: Rickie R

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, June 13

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
FHO arKICKtects forfeited to Kickin It!.
Preston Longoni leads the comeback
Preston Longoni leads the comeback
Kickin It! just held on!
When your team is down you always need a big play to turn the momentum. Preston struggled the last two weeks to get off a kick but when his team was down he knew it was all or nothing. Preston lead off with a great home run in the sixth to tie the game and set in motion a series of scores that saved the day. Great job Kickin it!
Field 1
7:45 PM
POTG: Carrie G
8:45 PM
POTG: Preston L
9:45 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)