Dodgeball Schedule

Winter Co-ed Dodgeball at Wallingford Boys and Girls Club Thursdays


Thursday, January 5

brian harvey
brian harvey
Junk Shot
When a team gets you down to five vs one odds, a lot of people might take an easy hit and try again next game.... Not Brian. When the chips were stacked against him in game two of the match he came alive! Calmly blocking and dodging all attempts while picking off opponents one by one. Brian became an inspiration for the rest of his team as well because after that game they rolled through all the rest to win the match.
Court 1
Court 2
6:30 PM
POTG: Kelsey S
  The EnaBallers [1]
  Junk Fathers [5]
POTG: brian h
6:50 PM
POTG: Kelsey S
POTG: Kate M
7:10 PM
POTG: Boyd S
7:30 PM
POTG: Suzanne W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, January 12

Noah Bouillon
Noah Bouillon
Brave Little Throwsters
Noah came to play tonight! One of his teammates even asked how his back felt from carrying the team. He was all over the place in both matches for brave little throwsters. His biggest asset is the cannon he has for an arm. He was throwing heat all night. It seemed every time there was a good player on the other team doing a good job blocking or dodging, Noah took it upon himself to send them to the sidelines. Well done Noah!
Court 1
Court 2
6:30 PM
POTG: Mandi D
6:50 PM
POTG: Karlie L
7:10 PM
POTG: Kelsey S
POTG: Andrea B
7:30 PM
POTG: Angela K

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, January 19

Ersen Akici
Ersen Akici
Super Dodge Bros
Ersen carried his team to victory over No Hit Sherlock to grab our player of the week. He seemed to always be the last man on the court and won a key 4v1 game to take the lead in the match. His throws were hard and accurate and he had excellent blocking technique all night long. Nice work Ersen.
Court 1
Court 2
6:30 PM
POTG: John M
6:50 PM
POTG: Ersen A
POTG: Andrea B
7:10 PM
POTG: Julie L
7:30 PM
POTG: Connie D

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, January 26

Sid Venkataraman
Sid Venkataraman
No Hit Sherlock
Talk about sacrificing your body to make a play! After taking a solid hit to the chest Sid caught a piece of the ball with his hand, then proceeded to lay out, joints clattering on the court, to make a great catch. His team took the hint and proceeded to rally and force the tie. Great catch and great game.
Court 1
Court 2
6:30 PM
POTG: Kyle L
6:50 PM
POTG: Alex H
POTG: Ryan C
7:10 PM
7:30 PM
POTG: Ersen A

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, February 2

Kate Mooney
Kate Mooney
Late game magic
When the game is on the line and the team needs a win, who ya gonna call? Kate Mooney. A 5 against 1 ratio was no match for her as she dodged, blocked and threw her way to victory. At one point making four consecutive outs on four consecutive throws. Kate turned into a juggernaut on the court withstanding multiple barrages to bring home the win. Way to play!
Court 1
Court 2
6:30 PM
POTG: Alex H
6:50 PM
POTG: Trisha L
7:10 PM
  Junk Fathers [3]
  The EnaBallers [2]
POTG: Christopher P
POTG: Connie D
7:30 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, February 9

The EnaBallers forfeited to You Can Run But You Can't Dodge.
The EnaBallers forfeited to Snoop Dodgy Dodge.
Double Headers
Brave Little Throwsters, Junk Fathers, No Hit Sherlock, Super Dodge Bros
Dean Barnett
Dean Barnett
Junk Fathers
Sometimes a person can be so good they make everyone around them better by association. That was Dean this week. Through his ability to distract opponents and draw throws, his team was able to catch others unaware and in general just catch a ridiculous number of throws. Way to inspire your team and congrats on the win.
Court 1
Court 2
6:30 PM
POTG: Kelsey S
6:50 PM
POTG: Trisha L
7:10 PM
POTG: Ersen A
7:30 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, February 16

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Court 1
Court 2
6:30 PM
POTG: Nicholas M
POTG: Marissa K
6:50 PM
POTG: Kelsey S
7:10 PM
Loser of 6:30 #1 vs. Loser of 6:30 #2
Loser of 6:50 #1 vs. Loser of 6:50 #2
7:30 PM
Third Place Gamer

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)