Softball Schedule

Fall Co-ed Softball at Lower Woodlands Mondays


Monday, July 25

All Around Solid Play
All Around Solid Play
This weeks player of the week goes to Tyler from Here For The Beer. In a tight game that ended 15 to 13, Tyler's play was the difference that put his team in the win column. Tyler knocked runs with his two homers keeping his team on top. On "D" Tyler took away extra base hits with great catches in the outfield, and lead his team to a 1 and 0 start. Great game Tyler!
Field 3
Field 6
6:30 PM
8:00 PM
9:30 PM
POTG: Drew M

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, August 8

Tommy Fresh Defense Defeats HFTB
Tommy Fresh Defense Defeats HFTB
Oritz great pitching keys win
Adam Oritz threw a great game and was backed by superb defense as Tommy Fresh defeated Here For The Beer, 10-2. Adam seemed to keep the opposing hitters off balance the entire evening, and when they did get solid 'lumber' on the ball he was backed by some outstanding plays in the field. Great work Adam!
Field 3
Field 6
6:30 PM
8:00 PM
POTG: Jeff Storra-2 HR's, including a grand slam
9:30 PM
POTG: Kale Kichner-clutch 3 run HR
POTG: Adam O

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, August 15

Marc does it all
Marc does it all
Marc proved to be a one man show tonight. At the plate he went 4 for 4 with 2 doubles and one triple. Marc wasn't done with just hitting he pitched a great game painting the corners on several curve ball pitches. Great Job Marc!!!
Field 3
Field 6
6:15 PM
POTG: Casey Chowder - 3/4 and pitched lights out
7:45 PM
9:15 PM
POTG: Jermey Butcher - 3/4 2 RBI's

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, August 22

Field 3
Field 6
6:15 PM
POTG: Adam Flournoy, pitched an amazing game using the sweet, sweet knuckle ball.
7:45 PM
POTG: Thomas H
POTG: Ken McDonald- Batted 3 for 4 with a double and 2 singles. Also drove in 6 runs to go along with a go
9:15 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, August 29

Field 3
Field 6
6:15 PM
POTG: Maggie Anderson- Batted 3 for 3 with a triple and 2 doubles. Great defense with great catches in LCF
POTG: Entire team defense for coming up big defensively in the last inning.
7:45 PM
9:15 PM
POTG: Jamie W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, September 12

"I'm getting player of the week cuz I popped out!?"
"I'm getting player of the week cuz I popped out!?"
Jason Siller of the Indy squad, It's Great to Be, earned this week's player of the week for his downright super skillz at shortstop and powerhouse swings. Yes, Jason did pop up once, but that's what a competitive softballer remembers.....he did, however forget his bomb to deep Left Center that might have landed in Fremont and the hundred and fifty awesome plays at shortstop. So, Jason, forget about that one pop out that may or may not have cost your team the game.....just kiddin....and focus on how you helped your team comeback from 8 runs down to only 1run behind.. Great job, Jason!!
Field 3
Field 6
6:15 PM
POTG: Ken McDonald came up w/a HUGE homer and played awesome D at 3rd
7:45 PM
POTG: Nikole K
9:15 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, September 19

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Playoff Date 9/19
Playoff Seeds
[1] Our Girls Are Better Than Your Guys
[2] Karate Explosion
[3] The Empty Pitchers
[4] Big Ballers & Shot Callers
[5] Tommy Fresh
[6] Buntin' is a Habit

Field 3
Field 6
6:15 PM
7:45 PM
POTG: Jihan A
POTG: Scott C. - 2 Run Inside the Park HR
9:15 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)