Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Nathan Hale HS Wednesdays

Team Profiles


Wednesday, March 16

Hit Squad forfeited to Total Cluster.
Playoff Date 3/16 at Loyal Heights
Playoff Seeds
[1] SwanSong
[2] Touchdown There
[3] No Punt Intended
[4] Total Cluster
[5] Hit Squad
[6] Lahar - Indy #1
POTW: Kaitlin Jager
POTW: Kaitlin Jager
Touchdown There
In the semi-finals game Kaitlin had a fantastic game. She was all over the field. She was blocking passes and intercepting passes left andf right. She was a beast!!! She also played great Offense. She had 1 TD catches and ran for 5 TD's, a real-life one woman show. Way to go Kaitlin.
Field 2
Field 3
7:00 PM
8:00 PM
POTG: Kaitlin J
POTG: Cody N
9:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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