Bowling Schedule

Spring Big Turkey Bowling at Imperial Tuesdays 7pm


Tuesday, March 29

POTW: Marika Vanderlinden
POTW: Marika Vanderlinden
Let's Get It Started

Marika explains it like this, "nobody was going and I was like, I'm ready." As her team's first bowler of the season she knew she could win five prize coupons with a strike. So this excited dual wristband wearing co-captain narrowed her focus on ten vulnerable pins sixty feet away, walked to the foul line and arrived ahead of all other bowlers, ahead, even, of the monitors which had not yet signaled to bowl.

She may have looked all alone out there, at the end of the plank, but she had her boyfriend Colin and the rest of her teammates at her back, the entire Tuesday Night League watching as she bent down and rolled the night's first ball.

Colin was possibly more excited than anybody about her opening frame strike. Later, after bowling a first game 132 she asked him with a flourish of her hands, "132, what it do, Boo?" Marika: full of love and loved for starting Tuesday Nights off with a bang.
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, April 5

POTW: Corey Rastetter
POTW: Corey Rastetter
Also Here For The Beer
Birthday Boy Bowls Big

This week Corey traded in his sombrero for a birthday hat then added a pinch of hot bowling to match his sizzling style points. A turkey and two team-best scores had his buds howling and blowing noise makers like it was New Year's Eve, which was nothing unexpected to Corey who jokes, "as many people if not more celebrate my birthday." Not one to leave a party early Corey stayed to watch his teammates finish their games before dashing off to another birthday celebration. Frame to frame, party to party, Corey knows how to roll.
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6
Lanes 7 and 8

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, April 12

When Pins Fly forfeited to Twelfth Cup.
POTW: Gary  Lai
POTW: Gary Lai
Roy Munson's Kids
Teach Me How To Turkey

Gary brought the Westwood Shuffle to Imperial Tuesday night and taught the whole alley how to turkey! Loved throughout the Denny International MS community for his dedication to math and science students and his classic second verse on the Cali Swag parody "Teach Me How To Study," Gary did the Dolphins proud by throwing two turkeys in his second game. Always thinking of his students he says, "If I can do it they can do it." Hopefully the next time he leads Denny's after school bowling club he can bust a freestyle and tell his students how he rocked Imperial and turkied on the floor.
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, April 19

Band of Bowlers
POTW: Camille Meyer-Arendt
POTW: Camille Meyer-Arendt
Here for the Beer
In between 80s night and big hat night it might be a slow official spirit night for most but not for Camille! She is always cheering on her team, and bringing that extra little spirit that really makes the night happen!
She had the encouraging slow clap starting up and got the whole alley in on it. Way to keep the night right Camille!!
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, April 26

Theme Night - Grab Your Most Ridiculous Lid
Here for the Beer
POTW: Gary  Lai
POTW: Gary Lai
Roy Munson's Kids
Our old Skool DJ for the night had us bumpin' the All4One, a little Cupid by 112 and it was like a middle school dance up in here! took us back to the days when we danced side to side and had arms at full extension. Either way the music had the right effect on his bowling, rolling in with a 149 and a 152, pretty smooth moves sir.
  7:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, May 3

Theme Night - aka TV Show Night
Playoff Date 5/3
4 Teams Advance, All Teams Bowl!!!
Playoff Seeds:

[1] Roy Munson's Kids
[3] Here for the Beer
[4] Also Here For The Beer
POTW: derick lillejord
POTW: derick lillejord
Split Lickers
Derick was a man ready for prime time tonight. After a stellar interview with a key member of the Biggest Loser he was on fire for the rest of the night, seeking out the headlines and looking for the latest scoop. As it turns out we learned that the Dodgers "suck at life" and that this man has a career in broadcasting ahead of him for sure, the sheer dedication was huge! Even with mic in hand (the whole night) he was able to ring in a 189 and a 191!! Solid job. Stay Classy San Diego.
  7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Lanes 1 and 2
Lanes 3 and 4
Lanes 5 and 6

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)