Eastside Spring Softcore Kickball at 132nd Square Park Sundays

Team Profiles


Sunday, June 26

Ball Busters forfeited to Kick Me in the Jimmy.
Playoff Date 6/26
Playoff Seeds
[1] Kick Me in the Jimmy
[2] The Maroon Platoon - Indy #1
[3] The Rumrunners
[4] Ball Busters
Jimmies take first title in 3 years
The Platoon almost finish off Cinderella rookie season
Kick Me in the Jimmy finished the season undefeated, but not before Maroon Platoon gave them a serious run for the money.
Finding themselves down for the first time all season, the Jimmies stuck around and started clawing their way back in.
With a tie game in the bottom of the seventh, Sue came up huge, knocking the ball in the perfect place to allow the winning run to score from home and send the Jimmies into a BBQ frenzy.
Great season Jimmies!
Field 1
12:00 PM
2:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

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