Softball Schedule

Fall Co-ed Softball at Lower Woodlands Sundays


Sunday, August 13

Seattle Shaggy Muskrats forfeited to Stranger Danger.
Double Headers
Balls Deep, Bottom of the Fifths, Eagle Bait, Flesh Eating Sharks, Hitmen
Sean Hughes
Sean Hughes
Stranger Danger
Sean had one of the biggest hits of the day. With the bases loaded and the game still in the balance he strode to the plate and proceeded to deposit a ball over the left center wall for a grand slam, and really turned the tide of the game. Defensively he had a solid day and made every play he ha had to. Overall he had a great day at the park.
Field 3
Field 6
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
  Balls Deep [13]
  Stranger Danger [24]
POTG: Sean H
POTG: Abby W
3:00 PM
POTG: Eugene B
4:30 PM
POTG: Taylor, great D at third. 3 hits
  Eagle Bait [11]
  Hitmen [15]
POTG: Chris C
6:00 PM
  Arbornauts [28]
  Hitmen [0]
POTG: Josh, complete game shut out. 5-5 3 run HR and 7 RBI

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, August 20

Double Headers
Bottom of the Fifths, Flesh Eating Sharks, Hitmen, Not Here to Make Friends, Seattle Seattle Mariners
Matthew Mason
Matthew Mason
Matt had an absolutely unreal game at the plate today and was the difference in the game. Matt made the most of his home runs today as he clubbed two grand slams for his team. For good measure he added a double and a single and ended the day with 11 RBI. There aren't many ways to make a bigger difference in a game of softball.
Field 3
Field 6
12:00 PM
POTG: Holly, 3 hits and a great double play
1:30 PM
POTG: Silas A
3:00 PM
  Flesh Eating Sharks [21]
  Hitmen [22]
POTG: Matt M
POTG: Jeff M
4:30 PM
  Flesh Eating Sharks [21]
  The Crows [23]
POTG: Jeff H
POTG: Abby W
6:00 PM
  Arbornauts [12]
  Balls Deep [8]
POTG: Daniel N

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, August 27

Double Headers
Arbornauts, Eagle Bait, Not Here to Make Friends, Seattle Shaggy Muskrats, Stranger Danger, Suicide Squeeze Squad, The Crows, We Love Dishwashers
Bottom of the Fifths
Field 3
Field 6
12:00 PM
  Suicide Squeeze Squad [8]
  Hitmen [11]
POTG: Matt M
POTG: Chris D
1:30 PM
POTG: Jeff H
  Eagle Bait [19]
  Stranger Danger [6]
POTG: Drew T
3:00 PM
POTG: Silas A
  Arbornauts [14]
  Eagle Bait [11]
POTG: Jason K
4:30 PM
  We Love Dishwashers [16]
  Arbornauts [30]
POTG: Allie: Had a clutch bases clearing single to help her team keep a rally going in the 6th Inning!
6:00 PM
POTG: Christine M

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, September 10

Double Headers
Arbornauts, Balls Deep, Bottom of the Fifths, Seattle Seattle Mariners, Suicide Squeeze Squad, The Crows, We Love Dishwashers
Andre Park
Andre Park
Suicide Squeeze Squad
Andre had a great day at the plate, going 6-8 across two games, but his best plays were out in the field. Playing center field in Suicide Squeeze Squad's first game. Andre made several incredible catches in the outfield, but his best of the night was on a sliding grab that prevented what would have been an inside the park grand slam. In Suicide Squeeze Squad's second game, Andre played shortstop and made some web gem stops in the infield. His phenomenal defense was some of the best on the night, congrats Andre!
Field 3
Field 6
12:00 PM
  The Crows [7]
  Stranger Danger [16]
POTG: Collin W
POTG: Taylor R
1:30 PM
  The Crows [2]
  Balls Deep [17]
POTG: Christopher D
POTG: Jason K
3:00 PM
POTG: Chris E
POTG: Jessica Ohlinger: 2-4, Great catches in the outfield
4:30 PM
6:00 PM
POTG: Sam Rosenberg: 2 HRs, 9 RBIs, Hit the cycle
  We Love Dishwashers [25]
  Hitmen [13]
POTG: Tina S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, September 17

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Flesh Eating Sharks forfeited to The Crows.
Eugene Blundell
Eugene Blundell
Eagle Bait
On a rain-soaked championship Sunday at Lower Woodlands, Eugene had a day to remember. As if playing three complete games was not enough, he shined in each, reeling off 8 RBI's and 2 home runs, in addition to being the clear fastest player on the field. His speed allowed him to stretch for extra bases amd at shortstop he was able tocover anything hit his way. On some occasions he had to run for an injured teammate, offen out of breath from his previous circuit of the bases. On top of that, he was a shining professional in manner and class, courteous to opponents and umpires in both victory and defeat.

Hopefully Eugene will be back next year to once again light up the stat sheet!

Field 3
Field 6
12:00 PM
  Eagle Bait [32]
  Hitmen [11]
POTG: Anna S
1:30 PM
3:00 PM
POTG: John O
4:30 PM
  Eagle Bait [21]
  Stranger Danger [5]
POTG: Stephanie H
6:00 PM
  Eagle Bait [12]
  We Love Dishwashers [16]

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)