Beach Volleyball Schedule

Early Summer Co-ed Beach Volleyball at Golden Gardens Tuesdays


Tuesday, May 1

Double Headers
Clam Tamers, Sloppy Sets
Dan Zender
Dan Zender
The Diggers
Dan Zender and The Diggers came ready to play on the first night of league play on Tuesday. Dan led the Diggers with a barrage of nasty serves and spikes. Look out for The Diggers, they'll be a team to reckon with in this league. Great job guys!
Court 1
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Court 3
Court 4
6:30 PM
  Google [2]
  Just the tip [1]
POTG: Jacob R
7:30 PM
POTG: tabea w

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, May 8

Nice set, wanna bump? forfeited to Clam Tamers.
Double Headers
99 Problems but a Beach Ain't One, Scared Hitless, The Diggers
Jacob Richman
Jacob Richman
Jacob Richman is an all-star for the Google team. Even though Google was shorthanded to start off with they found a groove really quickly and won three straight matches against the Grandmas in Pajamas. Jacob has a killer jump serve and seems to have a knack for diving for balls and making it look pretty damn easy. Google it.
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
6:30 PM
POTG: Jacob R
POTG: Matt Howell
7:30 PM
POTG: Jessica D

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, May 15

Google forfeited to Four Play on the Beach.
Double Headers
Grandmas in Pajamas, We Punch Grizzlies - Indy #2
Kermit Lawrence
Kermit Lawrence
We Punch Grizzlies - Indy #2
Kermit Lawrence and the We Punch Grizzlies team have been killing it! (yep, that's a good thing!) this Indy team has banded together in just three weeks to become a super epic team of awesomeness! Their ability to work as a team is pretty unbelievable and their games are always action packed! Props to We Punch Grizzlies!
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
POTG: Tatiana W
POTG: Jill Ellison for her unshakable commitment to get to the ball!
POTG: Rob!

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, May 22

Double Headers
Just the tip, Sets on the Beach
Chad Willis
Chad Willis
Just the tip
Chad, along with his teammate, Brett, lead Just the tip this week in their double header. In both close games, Chad was able to lead his team with solid serving and key plays, while Brett remained solid in the second game, despite the rain and wind that descended upon the beach. Way to go guys!!
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
6:30 PM
POTG: chad w
POTG: Jacob R
7:30 PM
POTG: Whole Team! Braving the oncoming rain, Scared Hitless made quick work of the games this week. Comin
POTG: Brett S
POTG: Katherine A

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, May 29

Double Headers
Clam Tamers, Nice set, wanna bump?
Jason Slye
Jason Slye
99 Problems but a Beach Ain't One
First thing I have to mention is Jason's amazing "shoulder" pass, even though he shanked the ball, it was still an amazing maneuver nonetheless. Jason stayed positive through all 3 games whether or not his team was winning or losing. Although his team lost the overall set, Jason was able to get several kills at the net and had some great saves (that weren't shanked) Great playing!!
Court 1
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Court 3
Court 4
6:30 PM
POTG: Jacob R
POTG: Colin F
7:30 PM
POTG: Chelsey Myers - Great hitting!!
POTG: Annie F
POTG: Tabea Wiersma - "Generally awesome looking, old, and a beach beauty!"

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, June 5

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Just the tip forfeited to 99 Problems but a Beach Ain't One.
We Punch Grizzlies - Indy #2
We Punch Grizzlies - Indy #2
Great Indy Team Run!
This week's player of the week is the entire We Punch Grizzlies team! They had a great season coming together for the first time and made it all the way to the championships. In their final game against the always tough Google team, they demonstrated great teamwork, communication and some solid skills out there on the court! Great Job Guys!
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
6:30 PM
POTG: Dana stopped the Four PLay on the Beach by sheer intimidation and a mean game face. Her hits blew th
POTG: Yoon Tae Kim: Yoon lead her team to this impressive victory this week as she played with flo. Over c
7:30 PM
POTG: JoLynn Wagner: In this nail biting end of the season game, JoLynn lead the spirited and soggy game b
POTG: Rob Lead his team to a quick and decisive victory while the rain was pouring down this week. What di

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)