Flag Football Schedule

Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Seattle Center Saturdays


Saturday, January 19

Double Headers
Auto Battery Po' Dogs, Crosswired, Practice All Americans, Reigning Champions Team Sweet
The Usual Suspects
Andy S. - POTW
Andy S. - POTW
The Backdoor Boondogglers
The Backdoor Boondogglers were engaged in a back and forth battle on Saturday. It was Andy who made what ended up being the decisive play in that game. Andy made a great game winning catch to put the Boondogglers up one with little time left. While the defense held up in the closing seconds, it was Andy's catch which really secured the victory.
Field 1
Field 3
12:00 PM
POTG: Scott P. - Quarterback Play
POTG: Nikki M. - 1 TD, 1 INT, 6 Receptions
1:00 PM
POTG: Brent H -Game Saving Tackle
2:00 PM
POTG: Matthew K
3:00 PM
POTG: Andy S. - Game Winning TD Catch
POTG: Tony D
4:00 PM
POTG: monica r

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, January 26

Practice All Americans
Rachel  Chen
Rachel Chen
Ninjas on Acid
Ninjas on Acid's star QB Rachael had a rough start to Saturdays game. In the first half she threw 2 INT's and threw several incomplete pass. At half time she and her team made some adjustments. She started the second half on defense where she picked off the opposing QB. She then rallied her team back after being down two scores to get the final posession of the game. With seconds left she threw for a TD to win the game.
Field 1
Field 3
12:00 PM
POTG: Rachel C
POTG: Adam H
1:00 PM
POTG: Stacy W
2:00 PM
POTG: Andrea V
3:00 PM
  Harry Seaward [39]
  Crosswired [33]
POTG: Anessa D
4:00 PM
POTG: Team Honors
POTG: Sandra M

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, February 2

Double Headers
Indy #1, Rec N' Balls, TS McBombers
Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
We Beat The Spread
This weeks player of the game goes to Katie J. for her cotributions in a one score victory. In a final game that ended 28 to 34, katie's multiple receptions as well as her TD helped her squad put a WIN in the books. Great game Katie, and great catches all game!
Field 1
Field 3
12:00 PM
POTG: Katie J
1:00 PM
POTG: marc b
2:00 PM
  Indy #1 [30]
  Harry Seaward [20]
POTG: Catherine S
POTG: Yii-Ann C
3:00 PM
  Indy #1 [40]
  Crosswired [41]
POTG: Nikki M.
POTG: Tina S
4:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, February 9

Double Headers
Justice League, Ninjas on Acid, Practice All Americans
Field 1
Field 3
12:00 PM
POTG: monica r
POTG: Tommy J
1:00 PM
POTG: Lauren S
POTG: Tony D
2:00 PM
POTG: Tina S
3:00 PM
POTG: Brent H.
4:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, February 16

Double Headers
The Usual Suspects
Field 1
Field 3
12:00 PM
POTG: Lissa P
POTG: Sean B
1:00 PM
POTG: Bill O
POTG: Patrick C.
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
POTG: John M.

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, February 23

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Indy #1
Indy #1
Team effort!
Indy #1 hets the honors this week with there all around excellence. The whole team hit the field with their best game, and edged out a very good team to advance in the Playoffs. The final score was 52 to 39, and both teams went back and forth with successful scoring drives, but it was the indy team that played better on this day and make a push to be the league champs!
Field 1
Field 3
12:00 PM
POTG: Lisa T
1:00 PM
POTG: Isaac B.
2:00 PM
POTG: Salvator P
3:00 PM
POTG: Pete T
4:00 PM
  Indy #1 [52]
  Crosswired [39]
POTG: Team honors!

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, March 2

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Michael Slack
Michael Slack
Indy #1
This weeks player of the week goes to Michael S. for his performance that will not go unnoticed. Michael had the tough job of containing the opposing QB's on the day, and did a great job. With Michael's relentless pressure QB's hurried passes if they were not sacked. Michael was very dissruptive on defense, and his performance was key to his squads victories on the day. Great job Michael!
Field 1
Field 3
12:00 PM
POTG: Haley B
POTG: Ryan K
1:00 PM
  Ninjas on Acid [38]
  Indy #1 [48]
POTG: Michael S
POTG: Shaun D

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)