Softball games at Green Lake are canceled for today, 3/22. All other games are ON.
Softball Schedule

Fall Co-ed Softball at Lower Woodlands Tuesdays


Tuesday, August 22

Double Headers
Labrats, The Empty Pitchers
POTW: Bob Ulrich
POTW: Bob Ulrich
On a warm late night game at Lower Woodlands park, Bob provided the much needed offense to help his team to victory. His three run inside the park homerun put his team a head for good in this very close game, grreat job Bob!!!
Field 3
Field 6
6:30 PM
  Strippers [12]
  Arbornauts [5]
POTG: Chris H
8:00 PM
POTG: Jeff C
  Score Buzz [2]
  Labrats [10]
POTG: Scott C
9:30 PM
POTG: Steve G
  Indiana Jones [10]
  Labrats [11]

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, August 29

Double Headers
One Hit Wonders
Arbornauts, Score Buzz, Team Zissou
POTW: Erica  Schwab
POTW: Erica Schwab
The Empty Pitchers
Erica had a superb evening. She had a single, double, and a triple. In addition to this she had three RBIs and scored two runs in a very good match between two teams. In all she had a great evening. This is why she is player of the week.
Field 3
Field 6
6:30 PM
POTG: Jerred S
POTG: Katie B
8:00 PM
POTG: Melissa F

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, September 5

Double Headers
Score Buzz, Strippers
POTW: Rebecca Walter
POTW: Rebecca Walter
American Strike Force
Rebecca had a great night. She went four for four and provided steller defense in a narrow victory.
Field 3
Field 6
6:30 PM
  Score Buzz [16]
  Arbornauts [11]
POG: Jeff Lawson
8:00 PM
  Score Buzz [17]
  Strippers [0]
POG: Kevin St. Clair
POTG: Jeannet G
9:30 PM
  Team Zissou [2]
  Strippers [16]
POG: Alli Devlin

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, September 12

Double Headers
Arbornauts, Team Zissou
POTW: Luke Deryckx
POTW: Luke Deryckx
The Empty Pitchers
In a very close game between, Team Zissou and The Empty Pitchers, Luke stepped up in the bottom of the 8th to deliver the game winning, inside the park, two run home run. When he croseed the plate his team greeted him with great cheers and hugs. The final score was 15-14 in favor of The Empty Pitchers.
Field 3
Field 6
6:30 PM
POTG: mark g
POTG: Jason C
8:00 PM
POTG: Brian S
  Team Zissou [18]
  Labrats [19]
POTG: Jerred S
9:30 PM
  Indiana Jones [28]
  Strippers [13]
POTG: Brett H
POTG: Luke D

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, September 19

Double Headers
Catch22 - Indy #1, Indiana Jones
Field 3
Field 6
6:30 PM
8:00 PM
9:30 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, September 26

Strippers forfeited to The Empty Pitchers.
Double Headers
Catch22 - Indy #1, Indiana Jones
POTW: Eric Young
POTW: Eric Young
One Hit Wonders
Eric had a great night. He had a Grandslam homerun and had a couple of other hits to help his team to victory. He also helped on defense by making a few great catches.
Field 3
Field 6
6:30 PM
POTG: Vern Y
8:00 PM
POTG: Eric Y
POTG: Jason M
9:30 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, October 3

6:30 Games will Be Rain-Out Make-ups from 8/29, 8pm and 9:30 Games are Exhibition Games and Won't Be Used to Calculate Playoff Seeding
POTW: Scott Collins
POTW: Scott Collins
American Strike Force
Doing his best Ozzie Smith impersonination, Scott Collins played the game of his life at shortstop, leading American Strike Force to a narrow 5-4 victory. In a low scoring affair, it was Scott's great defense that made the difference for ASF.
Field 3
Field 6
6:30 PM
POTG: scott c
  Team Zissou [20]
  Arbornauts [19]

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Tuesday, October 10

Playoff Date 10/10
Playoff Seeds
[1] Labrats
[2] Empty Pitchers
[3] American Strike Force
[4] One Hit Wonders
[5] Catch 22
[6] Indiana Jones
POTW: Eric Young
POTW: Eric Young
One Hit Wonders
Eric had a spectacular night in helping his team to the championship Tuesday night. He contributed a Grandslam and he had a three run homerun this evening. Because of his efforts he and his team won the championship.
Field 3
Field 6
6:30 PM
POTG: Kwang P
8:00 PM
  Indiana Jones [12]
  Labrats [13]
POTG: Eric Y
9:30 PM
POTG: Katie P
POTG: Jeannet G

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)