Volleyball Schedule

Winter Midcore Volleyball at First Baptist Mondays


Monday, January 27

Double Headers
David Olsson
David Olsson
Indy #V7
Watch out Capital Hill there's a new volleyball all-star in town and he is a force to be reckon with! David Olsson brought his A game Monday night with the eccentric Indy #V7 team! David was a all round outstanding player to watch. His ability to swiftly move around the court to knock out some incredible hits was phenomenal to watch. Additionally, he proved his dominance as hustled to dive for multiple rogue balls and nailed some killer aces. It will be interesting to see how his next match ups will be in the following weeks. Congrats David to being the Player of the Week!

Court 1
6:30 PM
POTG: Elijay I-Elijay has never played before and had several amazing digs, hits, and serves! He was a roc
7:30 PM
  Indy #V7 [0]
  BAdgers [3]
POTG: Todd H
8:30 PM
  BAdgers [1]
  Safe Sets [2]
POTG: Alex W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, February 3

Double Headers
The Swinging Elephants
Kate  Watkins: The Secret Weapon
Kate Watkins: The Secret Weapon
The Swinging Elephants
Monday night at First Baptist proved to be another thriller with the introduction of The Swinging Elephants secret weapon: Kate Watkins. Kate brought the suspense to an all time high with her swift feet, silent saves, and unsuspecting tips. She even turned the suspense dial another notch with her chilling aces. While you would think Kate may have been a harrowing force for the opposition, her positivity and great sportsmanship she displayed countered any thoughts of a icy cold demeanor. Congrats Kate on a job well done and being this week's Player of the Week!
Court 1
6:30 PM
POTG: Zach M
7:30 PM
POTG: Dave H- For not being single.
8:30 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, February 10

Double Headers
Indy #V7
Katie Golden-Grant
Katie Golden-Grant
Safe Sets
Move over Maverick! There's another Top Gun on Monday nights at First Baptist and her name is Katie- call sign 'Charlie'-Golden-Grant. Katie dominated the court tonight with her gnarly spikes and ace worthy serves. She didn't even to break a flex! Katie was able to pump up her team with her tactful dives to bring back a rally. In addition, she moved around the court with such grace and ease that truly took her team's "breathe away". Congrats Katie on being this week's Player of the Week!
Court 1
6:30 PM
  Safe Sets [1]
  Indy #V7 [2]
POTG: Ziyad A
7:30 PM
POTG: Manuel A.-All Around All-Star!
8:30 PM
POTG: Davey J-Tallness, Awesomeness and Sweetness.

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, February 17

Double Headers
Men with hard digs, Women with soft hits
Todd Hummel
Todd Hummel
This week, Monday nights at First Baptist was introduced to the towering brick wall figure known as Todd Hummel. Todd was a incredible blocking powerhouse this week, not letting any opposing team's dynamite spikes break through his sheer solidness. His impenetrable blockade helped the BAdgers defend their side of the net with dignity. It was Todd's unwavering tactfulness that earned him the right to be known as the "Brick House" of the league. Congrats Todd on being this week's Player of the Week!
Court 1
6:30 PM
  BAdgers [0]
  Indy #V7 [3]
POTG: Becky G
7:30 PM
8:30 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, February 24

Double Headers
Safe Sets
Anne Turner
Anne Turner
Men with hard digs, Women with soft hits
Capital Hill was introduced to a new phenomena this past Monday night: Anne Turner. This all-star sensation dazzled the court with her superb sets, great serves and knock out spikes! Anne's fleeting ability to move about the court caused many opposing players to double take. Additionally, her supreme jump serves proved to be a dominant force to be reckoned with! Congrats Anne to being the Player of the Week!
Court 1
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
  Safe Sets [3]
  BAdgers [0]
POTG: Matt P
8:30 PM
POTG: Alex W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, March 3

Men with hard digs, Women with soft hits forfeited to BAdgers.
Double Headers
Indy #V7
Becky Gottlieb
Becky Gottlieb
Indy #V7
On the last week of regular game play, Monday Nights at First Baptist was presented with its best kept secret player: Becky Gottlieb. This Indy #V7 player dropped in relatively unannounced until she unleashed her masterful serves and aces onto the court. After unleashing her reign of aces, she continued to shock opponents with her amazing dives and brilliant saves that almost seemed unfathomable! Along with some tactful digs and precision sets, Becky helped lead her team onto some impressive rallies with their opponents. Congrats Becky to being the Player of the Week!
Court 1
7:30 PM
  Indy #V7 [1]
  Safe Sets [2]
POTG: Griffin D
8:30 PM
POTG: Kaitlyn P-For being awesome!

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, March 10

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Callie Querin
Callie Querin
Safe Sets
They say all good things must come to end and with the final night of Monday Midcore Volleyball at First Baptist, Safe Sets player, Callie Querin left us all wishing the season wasn't ending! Callie brought her A game Monday night with the eccentric Safe Sets team! Callie was an all round outstanding player to watch with her ability to swiftly move around the court to make incredible digs and saves. Additionally, she displayed her dominance at the service line with multiple aces that had her opponents do a double take. It was exciting to watch Callie and her team work their way up to the playoffs championship game and a even greater sight to see this all star play! Congrats Callie to being the Player of the Week!
Court 1
6:30 PM
POTG: Karen-For kicking butt!
7:30 PM
  Indy #V7 [0]
  Safe Sets [2]
POTG: Callie Q
8:30 PM
  BAdgers [1]
  Safe Sets [2]
POTG: Safe Sets Team-For giving it their all and smiling!

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)