Mini Golf Schedule

Summer Drinks on the Links Wednesdays


Wednesday, July 19

Week 1 Spirit Points
Inglorious Putters - 4
Menacing Martinis - 2
Putt Putt now, y’all - 2
The Par-Tee Animals - 2
Jabba the Putt - Indy #G7 - 2
The Hamburglars - 1
ZoomCare - 1

Wednesday, July 26

Theme Night - Star Wars Night
Star Wars Night
Cumulative Spirit Points After Week 2
Inglorious Putters - 12
Jabba the Putt - Indy #G7 - 9
Menacing Martinis - 9
The Par-Tee Animals - 9
Putt Putt now, y’all - 6
Turn Down for Putt = 5
The Hamburglars - 4
ZoomCare - 3
Kristins team - 1

Wednesday, August 2

Cumulative Spirit Points After Week 3
Inglorious Putters - 21
Menacing Martinis - 13
Putt Putt now, y’all - 12
The Par-Tee Animals - 12
Jabba the Putt - Indy #G7 - 10
Turn Down for Putt - 10
The Hamburglars - 5
Sultans of Swing - 4
ZoomCare - 4
Dead Putters Society - Indy #G6 - 2
Kristins team - 2
Malort and M'ladies - 2

Wednesday, August 9

Theme Night - Caddyshack Night
Caddyshack Night
Cumulative Spirit Points Through Week 4
Inglorious Putters - 30
Menacing Martinis - 20
Putt Putt now, y’all - 19
The Par-Tee Animals - 16
Jabba the Putt - Indy #G7 - 15
Turn Down for Putt - 10
Sultans of Swing - 9
The Hamburglars - 6
ZoomCare - 5
Dead Putters Society - Indy #G6 - 4
Boozin’ for Birdie - Indy #G5- 2
Kristins team - 2
Malort and M'ladies - 2
Par Review - 2