Field 2
Field 3
12:00 PM |
1:30 PM |
POTG: Team Lemon - good job scoring 12 runs in the last inning!
3:00 PM |
POTG: Scott R
4:30 PM |
POTG: Amanda P
6:00 PM |
POTG: Maggie B
POTG: Alexa J
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Field 2
Field 3
12:00 PM |
POTG: Ryan S - 3 homers and 7 RBIs
1:30 PM |
POTG: Nao - great catches in R and 3 for 3 batting
POTG: Jake W
3:00 PM |
POTG: Daniel T
POTG: Jena F - played through an injury
4:30 PM |
POTG: Bobby - 4 for 4
POTG: Jeff P - 3 bombs
6:00 PM |
POTG: Becky H
POTG: Christine M - great hits and skilled play at home
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Field 2
Field 3
12:00 PM |
POTG: Jeff M: Batted 3 for 3 with 2 Hrs and a single. Also scored 3 runs.
POTG: Anna W
1:30 PM |
POTG: Entire team nominated for players of the game
POTG: Entire team has been nominated for players of the game
3:00 PM |
POTG: Emily P
POTG: Def player of the game: Avery Williams Off Player of the game: Josh Ingalls
4:30 PM |
POTG: Tino B
POTG: KimMarie B
6:00 PM |
POTG: Leslie M
POTG: Nao Hongoh: Batted 4 for 4 with a triple, a double and 2 singles.
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Field 2
Field 3
12:00 PM |
POTG: Lana C
1:30 PM |
POTG: Raj G- walk off home run!
3:00 PM |
POTG: Jeff G
POTG: nick d
4:30 PM |
POTG: Michelle S
POTG: Colton B
6:00 PM |
POTG: Holli J - great catch in center
POTG: Kerina M- awesome RF plays, great throw to nail someone at second!
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Field 2
Field 3
12:00 PM |
POTG: Marcus O
POTG: Vince - cycle
1:30 PM |
POTG: Jake W
POTG: Galen D
3:00 PM |
POTG: Adam F
POTG: Excellent subs
4:30 PM |
POTG: Lauren B
POTG: kelle w
6:00 PM |
POTG: The whole line up of sluggers
POTG: Andy B
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Field 3
Field 2
12:00 PM |
POTG: Matt H
1:30 PM |
POTG: Bradly B
POTG: Torin, 4 for 5, homer and excellent job at short-stop.
3:00 PM |
POTG: Daniel K.
POTG: Joshua I
4:30 PM |
6:00 PM |
POTG: Alicia T
POTG: Becky H
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Field 3
Field 6
12:00 PM |
POTG: Sebastian - grand slam
1:30 PM |
POTG: Jeff G
POTG: Emily P
3:00 PM |
POTG: Brett F - homerun plus a double
POTG: Allan P
4:30 PM |
POTG: Tino B
POTG: Team D - 18 double plays and 6 k's
6:00 PM |
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
Field 3
1:30 PM |
POTG: Keri M - game winning catch in RF
3:00 PM |
POTG: Frankie B - HR
4:30 PM |
6:00 PM |
POTG: Marcus O
Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)
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Name | Username | Last Login |
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If you'd like to use a different account, log into that account using your email (or username) and password, then connect your Facebook account from your Player Page.
*NOTE: In order to keep your site and player info safe, Admin and Staff accounts cannot be linked to Facebook.