Beach Volleyball Schedule

End of Summer Beach Volleyball at Golden Gardens Thursdays


Thursday, August 10

Natalie Richards
Natalie Richards
Underdog player of the week goes to the firey Natalie Richards from the one and only Airbud! Natalie earned this spot with her incredible growth as a player. From last season to this one, she has made so much improvement and it’s great to see. Way to go Natalie!
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
6:30 PM
POTG: Judson H
POTG: Natalie R
POTG: Nicole O
7:30 PM
POTG: Derek S
POTG: Katherine A
  Airbud [3]
  Sloppy Sets [0]
POTG: Natalie R

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, August 17

Cameron Bruce
Cameron Bruce
Sloppy Sets
Underdog player of the week goes to the amazing Cameron Bruce from Sloppy Sets. He earned this spot with his crazy spikes! He had kill after kill and kept on swinging. Way to go Cameron!
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
6:30 PM
POTG: Kevin M
POTG: Sofia R
POTG: Katlin serves
7:30 PM
POTG: Cameron B
POTG: Terry A

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, August 24

Double Headers
Airbud, Block You Like A Hurricane, Fleetwood Smac, House of DTP, Playoff Dodgers , Serve & Turf
Derek Sumnicht
Derek Sumnicht
Fleetwood Smac
Underdog player of the week goes to Mr. Everything himself, Derek Summicht, from team Fleetwood Smac. He earned this spot, and the name simply by doing everything. He had an amazing game. Kills, serves, great passes. Stellar performance all around. Way to go Derek!
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
Court 4
6:15 PM
POTG: Derek S
POTG: Margo F
POTG: Kyle N
7:15 PM
POTG: Branna- slay
POTG: Jordyn V
POTG: Natalie R

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, August 31

Double Headers
I Wish a Beach Would , Meandering Clouds
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:00 PM
POTG: Anna S
7:00 PM
POTG: Manuela P
POTG: Erika D

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, September 7

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Meandering Clouds forfeited to Fleetwood Smac.
Gabriel Saucedo
Gabriel Saucedo
House of DTP
Underdog player of the week goes to an outstanding leader, Gabriel Saucedo from House of DTP. Gabriel communicated with his team and kept them all talking on the court, not only was he a great leader, he was crushing it with his big hits! Kill after kill! Way to go Gabriel!
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
5:45 PM
POTG: Jailine V
6:45 PM
POTG: Whole team collective
POTG: Gabriel S
  Sloppy Sets [0]
  Airbud [2]
POTG: David N

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)