Flag Football Schedule

Winter Co-ed Flag Football at Seattle Center Saturdays


Saturday, January 19

Rough Riders forfeited to Finkel and Einhorn.
POTW: Ryan Knee
POTW: Ryan Knee
This Time, It's Personal
This Saturday at the winter co-ed flag football league at Memorial Stadium This Time, It's Personal was able to start off the season strong with the help of teammate Ryan Knee. Ryan accumulated 3 interceptions and 2 touchdowns in his team's victory over The Usual Suspects in the faithfully rainy Seattle weather. This season This Time It's Personal clearly plans to take their game to another level, with the help of Ryan. Good job!
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
12:00 PM
  Crosswired [13]
  Green Meanies [33]
  posse [41]
  Pride Is Forever [20]
1:00 PM
POTG: Mike C
2:00 PM
POTG: Michael M
POTG: Kylee M
POTG: David M
3:00 PM
  Oh, you too? [6]
  Get Some [25]
POTG: Nikky Arnold

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, January 26

POTW: Lisha Menne
POTW: Lisha Menne
Exploding Through the Hole
Lisha Menne is our Player of the Week for Week 2 because she went above and beyond the call of duty in her team's 40-35 victory over the Posse. Lisha caught a huge touchdown, among her 8 receptions.
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
12:00 PM
POTG: Eleisa Beckers
POTG: Vince G
POTG: John B
1:00 PM
POTG: Adam S
POTG: Jason Whitney
POTG: Lisha M
2:00 PM
  Oh Snap! [0]
  Optimus Prime [29]
POTG: Jeff M
POTG: Ryan Bredweg
POTG: Rachel C
3:00 PM
POTG: Lyle Gardner

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, February 2

POTW: Andrew Hoang
POTW: Andrew Hoang
Filling in for Star Quarterback Ellen Kernan, Andrew Hoang threw for seven touchdowns in leading the Posse to a convincing Week 3 victory.
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
12:00 PM
POTG: Jeffro N
POTG: Kiley Deroche
POTG: Cole S
1:00 PM
POTG: Judith K
POTG: Nicole R
  Oh Snap! [20]
  Rough Riders [18]
POTG: Nicholas S
2:00 PM
POTG: Allison Gaboury
POTG: Aaron M
3:00 PM
POTG: Michael Ali
  posse [40]
  Get Some [20]
POTG: Andrew H

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, February 9

POTW: Adrian Brockway
POTW: Adrian Brockway
The Tasty Treats
Player of the Week was an easy choice this week as Adrian Brockway took the honors after leading The Tasty Treats to a 40-24 victory. Adrian's three touchdowns were the difference in the win.
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
12:00 PM
  posse [48]
  Wimmer Solutions [22]
POTG: Sean Sakuma
POTG: Adrian B
  Plusitup [20]
  Green Meanies [40]
POTG: Tyanne F
1:00 PM
POTG: Jason Thayer
POTG: Andy Carpenter
2:00 PM
POTG: Dyona B
  Crosswired [2]
  Oh Snap! [8]
POTG: Kara Y
3:00 PM
POTG: Hillary C

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, February 16

POTW: Matt Roberts
POTW: Matt Roberts
Green Meanies
The Green Meanies busted out in a big way on Saturday as they beat Oh Snap! 47-14. Matt Roberts was one of the players to bust out, as he had two touchdowns, leading the way in the victory.
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
12:00 PM
  Oh Snap! [14]
  Green Meanies [47]
POTG: Matt R
POTG: Tony N
  posse [34]
  Oh, you too? [7]
POTG: Michelle Hackett
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
POTG: Jaime P
3:00 PM
POTG: Erin M
POTG: Derek Immekmus

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, February 23

Double Headers
Oh Snap!, Pride Is Forever
Rough Riders, Wimmer Solutions
POTW: Saro Sabunciyan
POTW: Saro Sabunciyan
Crosswired headed into week 6 hungry for victory and Saro Sabunciyan was not going to let them be denied. In a 33-27 victory, Saro made the difference by getting 3 sacks on defense and providing two touchdowns on offense.
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
12:00 PM
  Oh Snap! [34]
  Oh, you too? [21]
POTG: Nick T
POTG: Devon L
1:00 PM
POTG: Mike A
POTG: Lyle Gardner
  Plusitup [26]
  Oh Snap! [0]
POTG: Greg L
2:00 PM
POTG: Chris S
POTG: Adam S
3:00 PM
POTG: Erin E
POTG: Ryan L

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, March 1

Playoff Dates 3/1 and 3/8
Playoff Seeds

[1] Our Chicks Go Deep
[2] Optimus Prime
[3] Posse
[4] Pride is Forever
[5] Green Meanies
[6] Exploding Through the Hole
[7] Get Some
[8] This Time, It's Personal


[1] Off Constantly
[2] Usual Suspects
[3] Oh Snap!
[4] Finkel and Einhorn
[5] By the Hand of GOB
[6] Crosswired
[7] The Tasty Treats
[8] Wimmer Solutions
[9] Plusitup
[10] Need a Name
[11] BlackRock's Urban Acheivers
POTW: Lori Smith
POTW: Lori Smith
Wimmer Solutions
Lori Smith and Kevin Blume led an inspired effort by Wimmer Solutions in a two game sweep on Saturday. Lori's touchdown pass in the second win was a key play for Wimmer. The gang in blue now stands two games from their first USL championship.
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
12:00 PM
POTG: Jaimie D
POTG: Sylvester C
POTG: Kevin B
1:00 PM
POTG: Evan V
POTG: Lori S
2:00 PM
  Optimus Prime [47]
  Get Some [10]
POTG: Hillary S
POTG: Jeff Ravatt
POTG: Victor H
3:00 PM
POTG: Richard Sanders
  Oh Snap! [12]
  Crosswired [24]
POTG: Ryan Bredweg

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Saturday, March 8

POTW: Christian Tinder
POTW: Christian Tinder
Exploding Through the Hole
This week in the Co-Ed flag football league at Memorial Stadium on Saturdays Christian Tinder had a solid performance all day for his team, Exploding Through the Hole, and helped bring them the midcore championship. Nominated for POTG in their semi-final match, he had 4 touchdown passes, and he played consistently and with intelligence in both the semi-final and championship game, a cornerstone for the team's success. Good work Christian!
Field 1
Field 3
12:00 PM
POTG: Christian T
1:00 PM
POTG: Evan V
2:00 PM
POTG: Bill O

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)