Kickball Standings

Late Summer Co-ed Kickball at Lower Woodlands Wednesdays


Late Summer Co-ed Kickball at Lower Woodlands Wednesdays Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Protiviti 7 2 0 14 42
2   Ultimate Fish Kicks 7 (2)º 3 0 14 61
  Bunt Force Trauma
4 5 0 8 64
4   T.B. Bashers 2 5 (1)º 0 4 74
5   Ball Busters 2 6 0 4 91
6   Marie & Friends 1 6 (3)º 0 2 82
7   Can't Kick Like Us - Indy #K15 1 7 0 2 105

Midcore Standings

  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Hold My Kick 8 1 0 16 59
2   Cougars 6 (1)º 2 0 12 54
3   Kicks Don't Lie 5 (1)º 2 0 10 37
4   Rubber Lovers 5 3 (1)º 0 10 59
5   Two sport alcoholics 4 3 0 8 61
  Kick Tease
3 (1)º 5 1 7 77
7   Ball Me Maybe 2 4 1 5 67
8   Will and Friends 2 5 0 4 84
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.