Flag Football Standings

Fall Gentlemen's Flag Football at Seattle Center Sundays


  Team Wins Losses Draws Ranking
1   Not Saephan’s Team 5 0 0 10 99
  Kirkland Signature
5 0 0 10 167
3   Gonzaga Gooners 4 1 0 8 143
4   Indy #FF24 4 1 0 8 175
5   The Yellow Jackets 3 1 (1)º 1 7 63
6   Indy #FF23 3 2 0 6 106
  Show Me Your TDs
3 (2)º 2 0 6 130
8   Balls Deep 3 2 0 6 136
9   RedZone Savages 3 2 0 6 150
  Sandy's Sad Pandas
2 1 2 6 189
11   Showtime 2 2 1 5 136
12   Feed the Hawks 2 2 (1)º 1 5 150
  Shake Squad
2 2 1 5 191
14   Beavers 2 3 (1)º 0 4 104
15   Silence of the CeeDee Lambs 2 3 0 4 110
16   Legion of Gloom 2 3 0 4 139
17   Indy #FF26 1 3 1 3 187
18   The Ugly Ducklings 1 4 0 2 147
1 4 0 2 209
20   Do House 1 (1)º 5 0 2 211
21   Indy #FF25 0 3 1 1 111
22   Monday Enjoyers 0 5 0 0 149
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.