Flag Football Schedule

Fall Co-ed Flag Football at Wilson-Pacific Sundays


Sunday, September 28

POTW: Nick Andrews
POTW: Nick Andrews
The New Hotness
Nick was all over the field and totally unstoppable on Sunday. He picked off 2 passes from the Office Linebackers, one of which he returned for a TD. He would catch another touchdown later to polish off a great day.
Field 1
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 5

POTW: wING Roeter
POTW: wING Roeter
The Red Hots - Indy #1
Defense wins championships and defense wins you a place in the Player of the Week section! The player that won that distinction this week is Wing Roeter. She looked like a bonafied top NFL Defensive Back as she came up with pass deflections and she had an interception that was called back. She also helped her quarterback out by nabbing a nice TD. She displayed great hands and defended so well that I had to write about it! Thanks and congrats Wing. There were some other players out there that brought some game but I'll have to hope you can step up a little more next week to get into the pages of the PTOW!
Field 1
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
POTG: Danielle S
2:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 12

POTW: Kerry Dunbar
POTW: Kerry Dunbar
The New Hotness
Played a great game and scored 2 Touchdowns!
Field 1
12:00 PM
POTG: Carissa T
1:00 PM
2:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 19

POTW: Faruk Punjani
POTW: Faruk Punjani
No Pads Needed
In a low scoring game, Faruk proved the differnce with a huge defensive day including two INT's to help No Pads Needed squeak by in victory 13-12. Nice work!!
Field 1
12:00 PM
POTG: Faruk P
1:00 PM
2:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, October 26

POTW: Melissa Foo
POTW: Melissa Foo
The Sloop Tavern
Melissa turned in a great game and essentially provided all the offense for her team on Sunday. The defense couldn't stop her as she zig-zagged all over the field. She scored 3 out of her team's 4 touchdowns in a battle for 2nd place.
Field 1
12:00 PM
POTG: Ashlea M
1:00 PM
POTG: Andrew L
2:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, November 2

Double Headers
No Pads Needed
Office Linebackers
POTW: Standley Douglas
POTW: Standley Douglas
The Red Hots - Indy #1
With the clock at zeroes at the end of regulation, the Red Hots had one last play to get into the end zone after a defensive penalty. Stan would make a great catch on a tipped ball in the end zone to give the Red Hots only their 2nd victory of the season.
Field 1
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
POTG: Danielle S
2:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, November 9

Playoffs Begin 11/9
Playoff Seeds
[1] No Pads Needed
[2] The Sloop Tavern
[3] The New Hotness
[4] Please Waggener don't hurt em
[5] The Red Hots - Indy #1
[6] Office Linebackers
POTW: Faruk Punjani
POTW: Faruk Punjani
No Pads Needed
Faruk had a huge day as he propelled his team into the championship game. The Red Hots couldn't stop Faruk on offense, as he scored 3 TD's. On the other hand, they couldn't get past him on defense as he flashed some flag pulling ability and picked off 3 Red Hot passes.
Field 1
12:00 PM
POTG: Derrick K
1:00 PM
POTG: Kevin L
2:00 PM
3:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, November 16

POTW: Jill Bruyere
POTW: Jill Bruyere
The New Hotness
This weeks player of the week goes to Jill Bruyere with her 5 catches, 2 TD's, and 1 PAT. She was the leader of a fast paced offense that threw up big numbers in their championship game! Great job Jill!
Field 1
12:00 PM
POTG: Jill B

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)