Softball Schedule

Spring Co-ed Softball at Magnolia/Queen Anne Sundays


Sunday, April 5

Double Headers
Here for the Beer, That's What SHE Said!!, The Duece
POTW: Jesse Fischer
POTW: Jesse Fischer
That's What SHE Said!!
This weeks player of the week goes to Jesse Fischer of "Thats What She Said". While all the teams looked strong and already in mid-season form, Jesse hit the scene on a high note. While in the field Jesse made great plays, slowing any sort of offense the opponent tried to muster up. With the game starting off close, it was Jesse's bat that helped widen the gap in score, going 3 for 4 bringing in runs, and help give "Thats What She Said" a W on the first day of ball. Great job Jesse!
Field 3
Field 5
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
  Nacho Libre [17]
  The Duece [12]
POTG: Krista Lund
3:00 PM
POTG: Jeff Storrar
POTG: Spencer hawes
4:30 PM
POTG: Breanna W
POTG: Pete J
6:00 PM
POTG: Erin P
POTG: Chad Richmond

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, April 19

Double Headers
Karate Explosion, LIQOUR SOFTBALLS, Uber Racist Clint Eastwood
POTW: Heather Fench
POTW: Heather Fench
Karate Explosion
This weeks player of the week goes to Heather French of Karate Explosion! She did it all on this Sunday knocking in runs while just falling short of batting through the cycle. She had a single, double, and a triple. She also came up with big plays guarding the plate by tagging out two runners. Great game Heather!
Field 3
Field 5
12:00 PM
POTG: John (Lucky)
1:30 PM
POTG: Scott S
3:00 PM
POTG: Breanna W
POTG: Pete J
4:30 PM
  Dark Legion [7]
  "R" Mateys [31]
POTG: Amanda S
POTG: Heather French
6:00 PM
POTG: Amanda D
POTG: Geneva Hale

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, April 26

Double Headers
"R" Mateys, Burrachos Rising, Paddy's Pub
POTW: Boot Nichols
POTW: Boot Nichols
Boot Nichols hit 2 Home Runs and a triple to lead the Liqour Softballs to their first win of the season. Nichols also played stellar defense in the field. Boots heroics led the Softballs to 5 runs in the 3rd, 3 in the 4th and then tacked on 6 runs in the 7th to lock up the game. The Liqour Softballs hope this is the start of winning streak that will lead them into the playoffs at the end of the season.
Field 3
Field 5
12:00 PM
POTG: Boot N
POTG: Randi P
1:30 PM
3:00 PM
  Cobra Kai [15]
  "R" Mateys [14]
POTG: peter l
  The Duece [19]
  Paddy's Pub [12]
POTG: Sean R
4:30 PM
POTG: Steve M
POTG: Josh Rowley
6:00 PM
  Slammers [7]
  Nacho Libre [24]
POTG: Geneva Hale
POTG: Noah C

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, May 3

Scared Hitless - Indy #1 forfeited to Belly Itchers.
Double Headers
Dark Legion
Burrachos Rising, Here for the Beer, RIP-IT
POTW: Kim Rupert
POTW: Kim Rupert
Paddy's Pub
It was a warm afternoon out on the diamond in W Queen Anne. While most players had their eye out for an ice cream truck, Kim found a Sno-Cone out in right field.

Off like a shot at the crack of the bat, she sprinted toward the foul line and with full extension she was just able to catch that heat-seeking missile in the tip of the webbing.

Later that afternoon, in an effort to relive the glory of 20 minutes prior, she went barreling into the fence - Sadly, the ball was just inches beyond her reach. Good news: She's just fine. Bad news: The fence had to be placed on the 15 day DL.
Field 2
Field 5
1:30 PM
3:00 PM
POTG: Tony R
4:30 PM
  Dark Legion [6]
  Cobra Kai [7]
POTG: Jamie H
  The Duece [20]
  Slammers [20]
POTG: Brandon H
6:00 PM
POTG: Ken McDonald

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, May 10

Double Headers
Belly Itchers, Cobra Kai, RIP-IT
POTW: Justin Jones
POTW: Justin Jones
Belly Itchers
Justin Jones showed how to respond well to adversity on Sunday by leading his team to victory, following a tough defeat. After barely missing a game-tying grand slam in the first half of their double-header, Jones came out and put on a power-hitting display in the second game by smacking two home runs, along with 7 RBI's. The Belly Itchers are now looking toward strongly positioning themselves for this season's playoffs, and with hitters like Justin, they are positioned well.
Field 1
Field 2
12:00 PM
POTG: Josh R
  Slammers [7]
  RIP-IT [8]
POTG: Randi P
1:30 PM
  The Duece [3]
  RIP-IT [15]
3:00 PM
POTG: Marcus E
POTG: Cayle S
4:30 PM
POTG: Justin J
POTG: Mariana D
6:00 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, May 17

POTW: Mandy Melland
POTW: Mandy Melland
Uber Racist Clint Eastwood
This weeks player of the week goes to Mandy Melland of "Uber Racist Clint Eastwood". She played stellar "D" all day to help her team slow the bats of their opponent. But it was her bat that made her mark on the game. Getting little respect, she nailed a shot to left that flew the LF, while the bases were loaded, as she coasted into third for her triple, 3 runs walked in. She hit 4 for 5, and left bruises all over the rock! Great job Mandy!
Field 1
Field 2
11:00 AM
POTG: Cheryl M
POTG: Mike O
12:30 PM
  Paddy's Pub [10]
  Slammers [6]
2:00 PM
POTG: Tommy H
POTG: Jack W
3:30 PM
POTG: Randi P
POTG: Siobhan H
5:00 PM
POTG: Katie B
POTG: Josh Wentworth
6:30 PM
POTG: Jake H
POTG: Shean Vonaegut

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, May 31

Playoff Date 5/31
Playoff Seeds

[1] Karate Explosion
[2] Uber Racist Clint Eastwood
[3] RIP-IT
[4] Nacho Libre
[5] Empty Pitchers
[6] Paddy's Pub


[1] "R" Mateys
[2] Belly Itchers
[4] Cobra Kai
[5] The Duece
[6] Slammers
POTW: Sarah Shults
POTW: Sarah Shults
What can we say about Sarah? When the chips are down, and you need a clutch performer to come through there's nobody we'd rather have on our team. She led the Slammers to their first ever championship and did it with grace & style.

Years from now, when the Slammers are the Yankees of Magnolia softball with more titles than clean pairs of underwear - They'll look back at Sarah's performance on Sunday and raise a pint glass to their first MVP.
Field 1
Field 3
12:00 PM
  Paddy's Pub [6]
  RIP-IT [14]
POTG: Cody N
  The Duece [19]
  Cobra Kai [5]
POTG: Katie B
1:30 PM
POTG: Alex H
3:00 PM
POTG: Carrie N
  Belly Itchers [9]
  Slammers [14]
4:30 PM
POTG: Tommy H
  "R" Mateys [13]
  The Duece [12]
POTG: Elsbeth R
6:00 PM
POTG: Katie B
  "R" Mateys [4]
  Slammers [5]
POTG: Sarah S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)