One Mound and a Boomstick plays in a Softball league

One Mound and a Boomstick

Summer Co-ed Softball at Lower Woodlands Mon/Tues/Wed
Team Color
8 0 0

Team Schedule

Monday, June 22

Week 1 - Waiver Shirts
9:15 PM Field 3
BK Ballers Team Logo
BK Ballers
30 - 4

Monday, June 29

9:00 PM Field 6
Go Hard Go Yard Team Logo
Go Hard Go Yard
24 - 8

Tuesday, July 7

Week 3 - Final Shirts
7:00 PM Field 6
Go Hard Go Yard Team Logo
Go Hard Go Yard
20 - 5

Monday, July 13

Week 4 - RSVP
6:00 PM Field 1
Pitchin' Pugs Team Logo
Pitchin' Pugs
29 - 2
7:30 PM Field 1
We're Probably Drunk Team Logo
We're Probably Drunk
22 - 4

Monday, July 20

Week 5 - Playoffs Next Week
6:00 PM Field 1
Puget Sound sLoggers Team Logo
Puget Sound sLoggers
32 - 2

Wednesday, July 29

PLAYOFFS View Playoff Bracket
6:00 PM Field 1
We're Probably Drunk Team Logo
We're Probably Drunk
29 - 2

Wednesday, August 5

PLAYOFFS View Playoff Bracket
8:30 PM Field 3
Pitchin' Pugs Team Logo
Pitchin' Pugs
19 - 9

Monday, July 27

PLAYOFFS View Playoff Bracket
View Seeding and Schedule Info


First Place

Summer Co-ed Softball at Lower Woodlands Mon/Tues/Wed

The evening started with a shower moving through, and ended with a rain of runs from the champion One Mound & a Broomstick. As championship games go, this one was a classic. The Pitchin' Pugs came out swinging, putting up four runs in the first inning. One Mound would respond in the bottom of the 1st with 6 runs.

The game would stay fairly close for most of the night, with the Pugs belting 2 HRs over the fence. But One Mound stayed in control and never relinquished the lead, putting up 19 runs without any fence-clearing HRs. They would save the best for last, putting the game away for good with 7 runs in the bottom of the 6th. That downpour of runs is what they needed to become the champs!

Wednesday, August 5

Catcher Comes Through with Big Stick

Dave Helps Team to Championship

Still lamenting his team's loss in the Red Rubber Showdown a few weeks ago, Dave was in need of some sort of big victory this summer. That victory would come in the form of softball championship for the Lower Woodlands Mon/Tue/Wed league. Playing a fine game at catcher, his bat proved to be the weapon that would do in their opponent. Garnering 3 hits, including an inside-the-park 3-run HR that would put away the Pugs for good, Dave was the MVP for this championship game.

Wednesday, July 29

The 'tern Makes a Splash at Greenlake

Connor Hits and Dives to Lead Team in Semis

Connor (aka "The Intern") was up to his usual tricks tonight. In this semifinal game, he had a big night at the plate, scoring runs and driving in many more RBIs. Even more impressive was his defense, tracking down fly balls while battling the sun, and not letting anything get by him. But the play of the night came on his diving catch to rob a hit away from the opposing team and end the inning.

Monday, July 13

One Mound and a Boomstick Dominates

The Intern Leads The Way

All you can really say about this team is that they are dominant with a capital D. They are very sound fundamentally on defense and there aren't many holes to get the ball through if you're an opposing batter. At the plate they have the ability to "nine run' a team in back to back to back innings and before you know it the game is over. Their base running is equally impressive and their energy is very high. They have a league title on their minds and welcome all takers to try and knock them off. We look forward to seeing them in the playoffs and wish them good luck as they go after a league title.

Tuesday, July 7

Albert C Steals a Hit

Great Diving Catch Keeps Opponent at Bay

What started out as a close game quickly became a one-sided affair, thanks in part to the defensive prowess of One Mound and a Broomstick. The team was in sync with every ball hit their way. But the finest gem of the night belonged to Albert C.

With the other side trying to find a way to mount a comeback, a flare hit down the right field line looked like it was sure to fall for extra bases. Yet, out of nowhere came Albert to make a diving catch, holding onto the ball as he tumbled over. It serves as the pinnacle of a very defensive night.

Monday, June 29

Conor Sullivan

One Mound and a Boomstick

Conor may be an intern off the field, but this week he was a top contributor on the field to his teams production in the run department. HIs day at the plate in addition to his sparkling defense at first earns Sullivan the player of the week honor.



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