Volleyball Schedule

Late Fall Co-ed Volleyball at Seattle Central Thursdays


Thursday, November 10

Killin it with serves
Killin it with serves
Tonight was the night of serves for Andreas. Every time he got to that back line his team got all giddy with the anticipation of at least a 3 point run. I don't know if it was the spin on the ball, the speed of the ball or Andreas himself, but something left his opponents scrambling every which way when the ball sailed over the net. Keep up the mean streak of serves.
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:30 PM
POTG: Chuck: Just cuz
POTG: Christopher H
7:30 PM
POTG: Donnelle N: 100% perfect- amazing
POTG: Angel K
8:30 PM
POTG: Kevin S
POTG: Mary: Great sets
9:30 PM
POTG: Rachael M
POTG: Erin M
POTG: Andreas: Killer Serves

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, November 17

Holy volleyball skills batman!
Holy volleyball skills batman!
A Blockwork Orange
Tonight was a rock star night for many, including John. He came out of nowhere multiple times to pull out a great dig, serve or hit. A couple plays it looked as though there was no chance that he could get a finger on the ball, let alone the multiple fingers or whole hand that he would. He was lightning fast and had super hops that helped his team to victory.
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:30 PM
POTG: Lorelie A
POTG: Jaime A
7:30 PM
POTG: Rachael O
8:30 PM
POTG: John B
9:30 PM
POTG: Sammie: Fancy trick sets
POTG: Will S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, December 1

Ace in the hole
Ace in the hole
The Balled and Beautiful - Indy Team #1
Shannon was on fire on the back line tonight. Her serves were going everywhere her opponents weren't at the time, mixing it up as she went. Serving can make or break a game and Shannon made her game it a big way.
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:30 PM
POTG: Michele C
7:30 PM
POTG: Morgan G
POTG: Jess B: Monster Hits
8:30 PM
POTG: Courtney M
POTG: Jennifer K: 15 straight serves & perfect passes
POTG: Lane S: That may have been the best hit I've ever seen
9:30 PM
POTG: Alicia S
POTG: derek p

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, December 8

Indy Team #2 forfeited to Rough Sets III .
Pimpin all over the court
Pimpin all over the court
Lexi- Monkey Lovers
Lexi rocked the house tonight from the back line to the top of the net. She had some killer serves with many aces, awesome saving digs and big hits that were placed just right. Her team always knew they could count on her tonight.
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:30 PM
POTG: Burke H: Smacked it
POTG: Tatsuro A
POTG: Craig H
7:30 PM
POTG: Morgan G
POTG: Graeme H: Explosive kills
POTG: Kyle B
8:30 PM
POTG: Lexi B: All around greatness
POTG: Stanley Y
9:30 PM
POTG: James E

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, December 15

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Hall Monitors forfeited to GnarWallabies.
So much awesome!
So much awesome!
While Kate and Rob were deemed players of the game, many other names were thrown around when I asked who should get the titles. The first match of the night went nice and smooth with everyone giving their all and getting in the groove. Moving on to the second match they had a bit more competition and really had to fight. It went to the third game that ended in a close 25-23 score, moving them into the finals round of playoffs. Everyone played really well together and helped keep up the moral when they were down in points. Good luck in the finals!
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:30 PM
POTG: Michele & Erin: Sets on point
7:30 PM
POTG: Lisa H: Set her hands off
POTG: Team: Just played solid!
8:30 PM
POTG: Kate: Super fierce with great sets
9:30 PM
POTG: Rob: Hitter extraordinaire

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Thursday, December 29

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Kreamer Takes Seattle Central
Kreamer Takes Seattle Central
Morning Missiles
While Matt Kreamer, known by most as just Kreamer, is consistently a solid player on his team, tonight he really stood out. From putting his serves all over the court to blocking like a maniac, he rocked the house. I don't know if he ate some skittles before the match or what, but he was definitely in beast mode tonight.
Court 2
6:30 PM
POTG: Danielle & Kyle: Fierce on the court, cute in every other way
7:30 PM
POTG: Michele C
8:30 PM
POTG: Matt K

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)