Softball Schedule

Spring Co-ed Softball at Magnolia/Queen Anne Sundays


Sunday, March 25

Double Headers
206'ers, The Empty Pitchers
Wide Stance
Katie Bowler
Katie Bowler
The Empty Pitchers
Honey Badgers just don't give a f#$*. Katie Bowler of the Empty Pitchers is definitely a honey badger. Twice, in left field where the ground is neither wet nor dry, she dove to make spectacular catches that were for sure going to be basehits. After these catches she bounced up to her feet, fixed her top gun sun glasses, did a quick wipe down and went straight back to business. Katie Bowler just doesn't give a fu$&!!!
Field 3
Field 5
12:00 PM
POTG: Luke D
POTG: Brittney P
1:30 PM
POTG: Katy Bateman went 3 for 4 w/some great stops
3:00 PM
POTG: Geneva H
POTG: Taylor T
4:30 PM
POTG: Mike K

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, April 1

Bye Week 4/8
Double Headers
Athletes, Find the Holes, Green Tigers, The Dugouts, Too Drunk To Score
Alex the PITCHER
Alex the PITCHER
Green Tigers
Its not easy to be a softball pitcher, especially if you've never in your life tried to throw underhand at batters from about 20ft. Alex from the Green Tigers experienced just how difficult this was, but after 2 or 3 innings, he found his groove. W/only a few exceptions of a "couple" flat pitches, he was a solid starter, reliever, and closer. Now, when he applies for jobs, he can now put on his resume: Softball pitching professional!!! Great job Alex!
Field 1
Field 2
12:00 PM
POTG: Ryen S
  206'ers [14]
  Find the Holes [4]
POTG: Teandra M
1:30 PM
  Athletes [5]
  Slammers SC [23]
POTG: Ben Harris- 4 for 4 w/a homer, trip, and 6 RBIs
POTG: Lindsay - sensational defense
3:00 PM
POTG: John (Lucky)
POTG: Josh W
4:30 PM
POTG: Robert F
6:00 PM
  Green Tigers [11]
  Wildcats [2]
POTG: Kyle H

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, April 15

Bye Week 4/8
Double Headers
Soft Balls, Big Bat
Nicole Wolfgang
Nicole Wolfgang
The Plainswalkers - Indy #1
Nicole Wolfgang of the Plainswalkers is one heck of a third baseman and hitter! Right from the get-go, she threw out back to back players w/her cannon arm and quick reflexes. After that, the opposing team had to adjust the direction of their hits, in turn making it much more difficult for them to find their groove. Also along w/her exceptional defense, she managed to hit 3 for 4. Great job out there, Nicole!!
Field 3
Field 5
1:30 PM
POTG: Katie Willis - MVW!! great hitting!
POTG: Jeff B
3:00 PM
POTG: Jack W
POTG: Lope A
4:30 PM
POTG: Zach T
6:00 PM
  206'ers [16]
  The Dugouts [12]
POTG: Gabi Shellenbarger - had one of the most celebrated right field catches of all time
POTG: Casey C

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, April 22

Double Headers
Wide Stance
Megan Owen
Megan Owen
So What We Hit Bunts
Megan Owen of So What We Hit Bunts prevented about 30 runs from scoring w/her awesome defense in Left field.....and not to mention her incredible hitting. Each inning Megan faced multiple pop flies that ranged from catchable to Wow and managed to catch each and every one of em'. She also went 4 for 4 to become the single-hitting QUEEN!! Way to go out there, Megan!!
Field 3
Field 5
1:30 PM
POTG: Melody R
3:00 PM
POTG: Megan O
POTG: Jenn P is an awesome cheerleader!
4:30 PM
  Athletes [10]
  No Pants Party [18]
POTG: Erin O
  The Dugouts [14]
  Wide Stance [15]
POTG: Wally
6:00 PM
POTG: Carrie N
  Wildcats [9]
  Wide Stance [19]
POTG: Johnny W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, April 29

Double Headers
Slammers SC
Pam Gidwani
Pam Gidwani
Slammers SC
Those of you who are interested, Pam Gidwani of the Slammers SC, will be teaching a clinic on how to hit a slow pitch softball. She has a masters in doubles and singles and is an expert in the line drive in between gaps. In about 5 years, you will be able to find her in the underdog softball hall of fame. So, if you want to learn from a master, talk to Pam G, or come out and watch her put on a hitting show on Sundays.
Field 1
Field 2
12:00 PM
  Athletes [10]
  Wildcats [6]
POTG: Athlete LADIES! ...Kicked some butt while staying classy
1:30 PM
3:00 PM
POTG: Jack W
4:30 PM
POTG: Johnny W
  206'ers [22]
  Green Tigers [5]
POTG: Greg C
6:00 PM
POTG: Ryan O
POTG: Jihan A

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, May 6

Double Headers
Jillians Jelly Snake, No Pants Party, So What We Hit Bunts, The Plainswalkers - Indy #1, Wildcats
Emily Gussin
Emily Gussin
Jillians Jelly Snake
Emily came out shining like an all STAR after her double header on Sunday. At shortstop, nothing could get by her. During one inning, she was involved w/all 3 outs and even had an amazing Ozzie Smith style catch. At the plate, she was rockin' the ball. No official stats were reported but there are unconfimed reports that she went 5 for 10 in the series. Awesome job out there, Emily! And...good luck this week w/your 4 jobs!!
Field 1
Field 2
12:00 PM
POTG: Keith B
POTG: Thomas H
1:30 PM
3:00 PM
POTG: Katie B
POTG: Geneva H
4:30 PM
POTG: Gabe Martinez - GRAND SLAM!
6:00 PM
  Wildcats [1]
  206'ers [31]
POTG: Gabi W

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Sunday, May 13

PLAYOFFS View Bracket
Playoff Date 5/13
Mesa Yee
Mesa Yee
Even though Stevo stole the show w/his dynamite defense and great hits, Mesa came through for her team w/her extra effort runs to first, plays on D, and team spirit! Last week Mesa, due to a busy social life, was...let's say a bit sluggish, but this week she showed her true colors by helping her team to the semi-finals. During the 206'ers playoff games, she was finding the holes and digging to get on base. She scored the runs when they counted her attitude kept her team pumped. Great job out there, Mesa!!
Field 1
Field 2
12:00 PM
POTG: Petra B
POTG: Rachel C
1:30 PM
  The Dugouts [5]
  Athletes [24]
POTG: Leanna C
POTG: Derek and Jason - 2 homers a piece
3:00 PM
POTG: Steven S
POTG: Josh H
4:30 PM
POTG: Maggie A
POTG: Geneva H
6:00 PM
POTG: Carrie N
POTG: Cale M

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)