Kickball Schedule

Spring Rookie Kickball Downtown Mon/Wed


Monday, April 20

5th Grade Sports Legends - Indy #1, Danger, Pootin, Kicked Your Balls, The Pegglers
POTW: peter lasker
POTW: peter lasker
Cobra Kai
Peter entertained both teams with his antics playing third base.
On more than one occasion, he had a line drive hit towards him, that he couldn't catch cleanly. It always had to be a challenge. Seemed like every catch was a result of numerous tips and juggling before he'd finally come up with the catch.
On offense, Peter was taken out by the phantom sniper in right field. After making contact, he had a little trouble with the footing. Very entertaining, thanks for the laughs Peter!
Very Underdog-esque of you!
Field 1
6:30 PM
POTG: Casey Hildreth
7:15 PM
POTG: Erik F

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, April 22

Bella Ballers, Cobra Kai, Der Kickenballerz, Swift Kick in the Grass
POTW: Glenn Elliott
POTW: Glenn Elliott
The Pegglers
Claiming to have not played kickball since he was six years old, Glenn made a triumphant return to the kickball arena.
On his first trip to the plate, he sent a shot to left field down the line, and turned on the burners to turn it into a homerun. Following that, he took to the field and made an amazing stretch-catch at first base to end a rally.
His second kick topped it all as he sent a booming kick deep, and rounded the bases to complete a Grand Slam homerun, putting his team up for good.
Welcome back to kickball Glenn!
Field 1
6:30 PM
7:15 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, April 27

5th Grade Sports Legends - Indy #1, Bella Ballers, Danger, Pootin, The Pegglers
POTW: Pete Lunstrum
POTW: Pete Lunstrum
Kicked Your Balls
Pete, with his head band doused in body odor, showed his opponents the business. His defensive skills were definitely on point today. Within one inning, Pete had his hands on every play to close it out with a win. Nice work
Field 1
6:30 PM
7:15 PM
  Der Kickenballerz [4]
  Cobra Kai [7]
POTG: Steven Medawar

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, April 29

Cobra Kai, Der Kickenballerz, Kicked Your Balls, Swift Kick in the Grass
POTW: Carmen  Dewey
POTW: Carmen Dewey
Danger, Pootin
starting off with a nice "trip" to first, Carmen came back the next inning and hit them with a sweet double. Carmen has got a serious foot on her! Defensively, any runners hoping to get to first weren't getting by without a fight while Carmen was on the pitching mound.
Field 1
6:30 PM
  Bella Ballers [6]
  The Pegglers [18]
POTG: Ryan N
7:15 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, May 4

Cobra Kai, Der Kickenballerz, Kicked Your Balls, Swift Kick in the Grass
POTW: Ben Ahroni
POTW: Ben Ahroni
The Pegglers
This weeks player of the week is Ben Ahroni of the "The Pegglers". Ben was a force at the plate knocking in runs. It was his last that earned him layer of the week, kicking a Grand-slam and being able to stay upright on the bases in very slick conditions. Great job Ben!
Field 1
6:30 PM
  Danger, Pootin [9]
  The Pegglers [21]
7:15 PM
POTG: Christopher P

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, May 11

Bella Ballers, Cobra Kai, Kicked Your Balls, The Pegglers
POTW: Emre Ergin
POTW: Emre Ergin
5th Grade Sports Legends - Indy #1
This weeks player of the week goes to Emre Ergin of "5th Grade Sports Legends. In a game that had to go into extra innings, maybe perhaps because of a call at second where the sun got into the eyes of the ump, Emre came up big for his team. During the game, Emre put the smack down on any who dare bunt, fielding every bunt from the catcher position, then basically quick enough to wait for the bunter at first with the ball. But it was his kick with a man on first that he brought in on a deep kick for the winning RBI. This run put his team ahead in the bottom of the 7th for the big win for the "Legends" 10 to 9.
Field 1
6:30 PM
POTG: James B
7:15 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, May 18

Bella Ballers, Cobra Kai, Kicked Your Balls, The Pegglers
POTW: Lisa Schuler
POTW: Lisa Schuler
5th Grade Sports Legends - Indy #1
This weeks player of the week was earned by Lisa Schuler of "5th Grade Sports Legends". Lisa found herself on base every time she she was up, and while on bases let it all out with her quick feet, and picture perfect slides into the bases, making it tough to get her out. With her dedication to the station to station approach, and bruise filled slides she is the POTW! Great job Lisa, hope the 3 day weekend helps mend the black-n-blues!
Field 1
6:30 PM
7:15 PM
POTG: Mark P

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, May 20

5th Grade Sports Legends - Indy #1, Danger, Pootin, Der Kickenballerz, Swift Kick in the Grass
POTW: Tim Dahl
POTW: Tim Dahl
Kicked Your Balls
Tim, despite being a little cavalier with the "rules" at times, turned in a gem on D Wednesday night, completing the weirdest double play of the season with a no-look sniper shot to peg a runner barreling into second. Guys with game like that should never have to pay for their own beer.
Field 1
6:30 PM
7:15 PM
  The Pegglers [15]
  Cobra Kai [4]

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, May 27

5th Grade Sports Legends - Indy #1, Bella Ballers, Danger, Pootin, The Pegglers
POTW: Tracie Sunday
POTW: Tracie Sunday
Swift Kick in the Grass
Tracie had an amazing pitching game! Almost all of her pitches were straight down the middle, even getting a couple of players out by strike outs. A great asset to her team!
Field 1
6:30 PM
  Cobra Kai [3]
  Kicked Your Balls [11]
POTG: Pete L
7:15 PM
POTG: Tracie S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, June 1

Der Kickenballerz, Kicked Your Balls, Swift Kick in the Grass, The Pegglers
POTW: Keith Smith
POTW: Keith Smith
Cobra Kai
This weeks player of the week goes to Keith Smith of "Cobra Kai". Keith's performance was epic, and will probably be talked about for ages. Keith lead his team by taking the mound where he hauled on diving catches all evening, but he did not stop there. Mid-game there was an injury to a fallen female on his team and he was there to swoop her up and carry her to safety, wobbly legs and all. After his rescue he continued to pitched a stellar game, and ended a fast evolving rally of his opponent who were putting runners on the bases. With one kick heard throughout downtown Seattle, Keith caught it and rounded the bases himself getting the only heard about "Triple play" to end the game, and quiet the opponent. Great job Keith, hope your back is not sore from carrying your team, litterally!
Field 1
6:30 PM
7:15 PM
  Danger, Pootin [15]
  Bella Ballers [10]
POTG: Candice S

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, June 3

5th Grade Sports Legends - Indy #1, Bella Ballers, Cobra Kai, Danger, Pootin
POTW: Emily Jennerich
POTW: Emily Jennerich
The Pegglers
Emily starred in a strong win for the Pegglers, contributing some sound bunting and a few good catches.
Field 1
6:30 PM
POTG: Kate S
7:15 PM
POTG: Emily J

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, June 8

5th Grade Sports Legends - Indy #1, Danger, Pootin, Der Kickenballerz, Swift Kick in the Grass
POTW: Andy Rasmussen
POTW: Andy Rasmussen
Kicked Your Balls
This weeks player of the week goes to Andy Rasmussen of "Kicked Your Balls". Andy pitched a great game, and also had some great catches, throws for outs at first. It was his hustle in a close game that won him this great honor, and leaving flesh on the field sliding into a rough home-plate area for a run. Great job Andy!
Field 1
6:30 PM
  Cobra Kai [15]
  Bella Ballers [3]
POTG: Molly C
7:15 PM
POTG: Andy R

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, June 10

Playoffs Begin 6/10
Playoff Seeds
[1] Kicked Your Balls
[2] The Pegglers
[3] Cobra Kai
[4] 5th Grade Sports Legends - Indy #1
[5] Swift Kick in the Grass
[6] Danger, Pootin

7th Place Game:

Der Kickenballerz vs Bella Ballers
POTW: Emre Ergin
POTW: Emre Ergin
5th Grade Sports Legends - Indy #1
Emre had an amazing game Wednesday. Things were just going right for 5th Grade Sports Legends. 3 huge doubles, each time at kick, proved Emre deserves this weeks recognition. Kicking in a total of 6 runs for his team, he IS the 'double run master.'
Field 1
6:30 PM
  Danger, Pootin [4]
  Cobra Kai [18]
POTG: Tobias K
7:15 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, June 15

POTW: Keith Smith
POTW: Keith Smith
Cobra Kai
Top of the 6th, down two runs, bases loaded, down to your last out. For most, the pressure is unbearable but for Keith, it was just another day on the field...considering the fact that he belted one to the outfield, scoring the 2 runs to tie it and then was helped by a couple defensive miscues to end up circling the bases himself to take a 2 run lead going into the 7th. The Pegglers were able to tie it, but Keith(with a little help from his fellow girl scouts)and the rest of Cobra Kai were able to get another run on the board in the 8th and play solid defense to secure their place in "The Ship". Congrats!
Field 1
6:30 PM
  The Pegglers [10]
  Cobra Kai [11]
POTG: Angela K
7:15 PM
POTG: Steve 'Princess' Peterson

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Wednesday, June 17

Der Kickenballerz forfeited to Bella Ballers.
POTW: Steven Medawar
POTW: Steven Medawar
Cobra Kai
Steven had a great Championship game! Even when the other team was closing their lead gap he was unruffled. With his couple of double plays throughout the game and many single outs the Cobra Kai came out champions!
Field 1
6:30 PM
POTG: Steven Medawar

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)